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Tuesday, 22 February 2022


 GAME 22

On the Twenty second day of the campaign #WRITE A PAGE A DAY,  PULLI VILAYATU an interesting game which is played in the house holds of Tamil Nadu will be presented in detail. Children enjoy this game very much as it is more engaging and involves minute work

At first basic requirements of the game:

Number of persons: Minimum 2 Maximum 5

Preferred age group: Above the age of 10

Duration of the play: half an hour

Best time to play: Any time of the day

Things required to play:  Paper, pen and pencil

 How to play:  First on a sheet of paper make evenly spaced dots (pulli) in a grid pattern. The size of the board vary depending on the time and number of players. The number of dots should be same in up and down as well as across the grid. The larger the board the longer the game will be. For better visibility dots are placed using pen and the lines are drawn with pencils and again initials are marked with pen.

Then the toss is laid and the order of the players is decided. The first player draws a single line between two adjacent dots anywhere in the dot board. The line can be vertical or horizontal and should connect only two dots. The same procedure is followed by all the players. When one creates a complete box shape (square) comprised of four lines formed with four dots, he/she marks his/her initials inside the square. When one completes a box, he /she gets a second turn. The game continues till all dots are connected. Finally number of boxes per initial is counted and the one with more boxes is declared a winner.

 Reference to this game:  Pulli villayatu is compared with putting Rangoli using dots and lines. This game is mostly played in the leisurely afternoons’ villages and almost all the family members join in this game. Reference to this game can be found in the stories narrating the activities performed in the free time.

(This blog post is a part of Blogchatter’s #WRITE A PAGE A DAY)

(Today’s word count   339     #Write A Page A Day)



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