top Indian blogs

Monday 21 October 2024



Auto-rickshaws have been a landmark feature of Indian cities since their introduction in the late 1950s, becoming an indispensable aspect of urban mobility for millions of people.

In the middle of the 20th century, motorized rickshaws were first introduced in India, namely in the Tamil Nadu city of Coimbatore. Their popularity proliferated because of these cars' low cost, excellent mobility, and capacity to pass through crowded cities.

Most cities and towns in India are practically run by auto-rickshaws, as they form one of the easiest modes of transport for a huge population here. They play an important role on roads where public transport finds it difficult to reach.

There are many auto ride options in Chennai, India, including traditional auto rickshaws, online booking services, and Uber Auto.

Generally Autorickshaws operating in the city areas (Zone 1) should be of yellow and black colour, while those running in rural areas (Zone 2) should be of green and yellow colour,

Auto rickshaws are used in cities and towns for short distances; they are less suited to long distances because they are slow and the carriages are open to air pollution. Auto rickshaws (often called "autos") provide cheap and efficient transportation.

Open-air experience: Unlike enclosed taxis or stuffy buses, auto rickshaws offer an open-air riding experience that connects passengers directly with their urban environment. This openness transforms the daily commute from a mundane task into a sensory journey.

A traditional auto rickshaw ride in Chennai is known for its open-air experience, cultural significance, and affordability: 

Open-air experience

Unlike taxis or buses, auto rickshaws offer an open-air ride that lets you feel the city's energy, smell the street food, and see the vibrant street life. 

Cultural significance

Auto rickshaws are deeply integrated into the culture of Chennai, offering an authentic urban experience. 


Auto rickshaws are cheaper than taxis, making them accessible to a wider range of people. 

Other features of auto rickshaws include:

Compact size: Auto rickshaws can reach areas that larger vehicles can't, like narrow lanes and residential areas.

Door-to-door service: Auto rickshaws can provide door-to-door service.

Readily available: Auto rickshaws are more available than taxis or buses, especially during peak hours. 

Auto rickshaws are a cheaper alternative to taxis and can reach areas that are inaccessible to larger vehicles. However, they can lack safety features and be exposed to air pollution. 


Still take the chance to take an auto-rickshaw ride when you visit. 

Sunday 20 October 2024



 Autumn is the season after summer, when leaves fall from trees. It's also the season when the days get shorter and colder, and everything turns brown and drab, but people like it anyway, for the cocoa and cider, probably.

The Fall season is symbolic of change. From the leaves evolving to beautiful warm hues to chunky knit sweaters making their way into our daily attire, Fall brings change—but with a sense of comfort and ease.

The autumn months are the time of the harvest season. Autumn is generally regarded as the end of the growing season. In the autumn season, the daylight grows shorter, and animals prepare for the long, cold months ahead. The temperature starts becoming cooler during autumn.

If you have an Autumnal personality, you are earthy, warm, organic, rustic, and passionate. This goes along with a strong connection to nature, a love for the past, and a yearning and eagerness to understand how and why things work. You are a born organizer and pay attention to detail.

Autumn has been referred to as the 'golden hour' season because of the sunlight's soft, warm, golden quality. The sun sits lower in the sky, casting longer shadows and bathing everything it touches with a beautiful, rich, amber light.

The time of year that Keats called the 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness', autumn is a season famous for its harvest times, turning leaves, cooling temperatures and darkening nights.

 Beautiful images and memories of harvest, warm clothing, colorful trees, fresh cool air, and cozy gatherings are also a part of the fall. And these experiences can be wonderful if certain care in and around the house is maintained.

Here are some things to consider for home care in autumn: 

Safety: Fallen leaves can be hazardous and increase the risk of falls. Rake leaves from driveways, yards, sidewalks, and walkways. If there are exterior stairs, consider adding handrails and a non-skid surface. 

Lighting: Add artificial light to darker areas, such as hallways. 

Emergency plan: Update contact information for home health providers and other caregivers. Consider an emergency alert system and make sure your emergency kit is stocked. 

Heating: Have a professional inspect your room heaters as well as water heaters. Check for leaks and update pipe insulation. 

 Flooring: Make sure floors are clean and rugs are secured. Upgrade bathroom and kitchen flooring with non-slip materials. 

Hydration: Stay hydrated, especially with the heating on and warmer clothes. 

Exercise: Stay active with walks and runs.

Vaccinations: Seasonal awareness can lead to an increase in preventive health measures, such as vaccinations. 

Do take the necessary precautions and enjoy the season.

Saturday 19 October 2024



Kindness is an abstract concept that describes a way of doing good deeds through having a friendly, considerate, and generous nature. In its most condensed form, is a way of showing love to the people around you.

Kindness helps to make the world a better place. And we don't have to be saints like Mother Teresa. We only need to make a habit of being kind to ourselves and one another, and the rest will fall into place.

It’s better to be kind to yourself first, then towards your family, friends and society at large.

Kindness is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, rendering assistance, or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward in return.

For one if surrounded and encouraged by kindness by younger age it will be an easy and wonderful part of life.

So let us start to introduce kindness to kids right from the start by bringing in icons such as the heart, feather, shepherd's staff, endless knot, and lotus flower represent kindness. Deities including Buddha, Guan Yin, and Lord Krishna are known for their kindness and compassion. Animals like the dove, deer, pelican, and raven are gentle, kind animals.

YES, Kindness, whether it's you being kind to someone, or someone being kind to you, can make you happier and healthier. Even small acts of kindness can change a life and make you feel better.

It's a way of showing other people that we value them, their feelings, and emotions and it has positive effects for the giver, receiver, and beyond. Increased well-being: A 2022 study found that individuals who engage in regular acts of kindness report higher levels of life satisfaction and overall happiness.

Here comes a book CHEEKY KIKI LEARNS TO BE KIND by Kim Burns. It is a book about a girl kiki, her way of life and the way she behaved.

How she behaved? What she did with others? All were told in a poetical form with appropriate illustrations.

 Kindness and Caring Is an Important Life Skill to Make the World a Better Place and To Make You Happy. To bring this life skill an important part of your child’s life :


  Encourage your child to say thank you to anyone who helps them. Notice when they do this and praise them for it. Spend some time making a card with your child to send to a loved one. Talk to your child about what makes them happy or sad.


2   Play with them and introduce situations that make them consider how others feel.


3.  Greater Sense of Belonging and Improved Self Esteem – Even small acts of kindness create feelings of self-worth and belonging. Acts of kindness increase energy and give a wonderful feeling of optimism. Increased Feelings of Gratitude – Children learn to appreciate what they have when helping those less fortunate.


4.     In simple terms being kind is listening, feeling, and understanding others' needs and trying to help meet those needs.


In this book with kindness observe how kiki has become polite, considerate, compassionate, generous, and loved by all.

Kids with kindness make people around them happy through their actions, thoughts, and words. Kind people are admired and appreciated by everyone around them.

Kindness makes challenges easier to cope with and improves wellbeing. The book will help children ages 5 to 14 learn about the power of kindness. It encourages them to do small acts of kindness each day to help their community, family, and themselves.

Kindness is the trait of being selfless, generous, considerate and friendly; qualities that most parents like to foster in their children. And with good reason – acts of kindness impact the levels of certain neurotransmitters in our brains that affect happiness and attachment to others.

BE kind towards your children and inspire them to follow your footsteps.

Acts of kindness can make the world a happier place for everyone. They can boost feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness and optimism. They may also encourage others to repeat the good deeds they've experienced themselves – contributing to a more positive community.

There are many benefits of be kind. Being kind helps boost the immune system, reduce blood pressure and reduce stress and anxiety. The great thing is that it isn't difficult to be kind. As the Dalai Lama said, 'Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible'.

 Just a small act of words of praise- Complimenting others is an easy way to show kindness. It helps others feel seen, releasing a boost of endorphins associated with the reward centers of the brain.

Experts have determined that showing kindness changes the brain, and that selfless acts of giving provide physical and emotional benefits needed for a well-rounded individual. This is why it is essential for children to learn kindness early on.

Here in this book the author has wonderfully crafted the message of kindness to children in a play full way- which is most enjoyed by children.

Kindness has positive benefits – for health, social competence, self-esteem and even happiness. The ability to understand and respect the perspective of someone else is at the root of a child's ability to be kind and compassionate.

Children who are kind are more likely to have positive social interactions, and strong friendships, and strengthen their empathy and compassion. Research has also shown that kindness can have a ripple effect. If a child is kind to another, this can inspire them to do the same, creating a domino effect.

Do buy a copy of the book and gift it to your child.

(Received a copy of the book in the form of  a PDF from Booksirens in return of an honest review)

Friday 18 October 2024





Enugantha Tandri Kanna Ekula Buttantaa Talli Nayam (Father may be an elephant and mother only a small basket, but…)

 Set in the Madiga quarter of a Telangana village, the stories spotlight different settings, events, and experiences, and offer new propositions on how to see, think, and be touched by life in that world. There is a laugh lurking around every other corner as the narrative picks an adroit step past the grandiose authority of earlier versions of such places and their people—romantic, Gandhian, administrative—and the idiom in which they spoke. These stories overturn the usual agendas of exit—from the village, Madiga culture, and these little communities—to hold this life up as one of promise for everyone.

 With her intensely beautiful and sharply political writing, Shyamala makes a clean break with the tales of oppression and misery decreed the true subject of Dalit writing.

The arrangement of stories is akin to a flower slowly opening up. The first story takes place entirely in a domestic setting, the second expands and involves the entire community, by the third we get the first glimpse of the first upper-caste character, by the fourth caste oppression is brought fully out in the open through a land dispute. As it slowly moves from the idyllic to the realist, Shyamala is always foregrounding the inter-caste and intra-caste relations through conversations and interactions with her characters.

Time and again, she highlights the importance of stories, of oral traditions, and how they are tools for community building and solidarity. It is these myths and legends that connect her characters to a shared past, creating an alluring ethnographic lineage that reinforces their inherent humanity.

Another interesting aspect of Shyamla’s writing is her young characters and child protagonists. She constructs them just as intricately as her adult characters, complex and well-rounded.

 From Adivaiah in “Obstacle Race” to Sangayya in “The Bottom of the Well”, from Balamani in “Tataki Wins Again” (translated by R Srivastan) to Badeyya in “Braveheart Badeyya” (translated by A Suneetha), from Syamamma in “Raw Wound” to Cina Ellamma in “Jambava’s Lineage” (translated by N Manohar Reddy), the children shine. They are brave and inquisitive, curious and precocious, always asking hard questions and always questioning societal norms. They are not coddled by adults or treated as inferior. There is a constant dialogue that privileges children and considers them deserving of respect and attention.

Even though each story has a different translator, overall it’s a translation that mimics and retains the unique flavors of Shyamala’s Telugu, quite distinct from the more standardized version. The translators are not occupied with finding English equivalents to their Telugu counterparts, they do not even go to the trouble of italicizing words directly pulled from the original.

Needless to say, it was refreshing to read and added depth to the quietly intense stories. The volume is also supplemented by an exhaustive glossary titled “Gogu Shyamala’s World” which details the socio-cultural lives of madiga (and other Dalit) communities, providing information about ecology, myths and legends, castes and subcastes, and games. It adds to the reader’s knowledge without exoticizing actual lived realities.

There is a specifically female perspective in many of the stories: mothers struggle to educate their children, make good marriages for their daughters, and keep art and culture alive. They are left powerless and penniless when their husbands die, beaten while their husbands are all too alive, or sent away to avoid the fate of belonging to the village’s men; when they show strength they are called witches and ostracised. Their vulnerability is foregrounded implicitly in some cases, and explicitly in others (as one elder explains to an overly dismissive boy, “There is a special way in which girls are insulted or looked at, and it is excruciating”).

The short essay on Shyamala at the end of the collection indicates that her own experience has inflected many of the situations in the stories, including the vulnerability of children, the focus on hard work and dedication, and the importance of education.

Thursday 17 October 2024



Valmiki Jayanti is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Maharishi Valmiki, the author of the Ramayana. The festival is celebrated on the full moon day of the Ashwin month in the Hindu lunar calendar. This year Valmiki Jayanti is on Thursday, October 17- today.

Valmiki Jayanti holds a great religious significance and this day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maharishi Valmiki Ji. He was the one who wrote Hindu epic Ramayana. As per Scriptures, it is believed that he was an ardent devotee of Shri Ram.

Valmiki was the composer of the first Sanskrit poem (the Adikavya) known the world over as the epic Ramayana (Story of Lord Rama), hence he is called the Adikavi or First Poet - the Poet of Poets of India. He was born along the banks of the Ganges in ancient India to a sage by the name of Prachetasa.

 Valmiki Jayanti, also known as Pargat Diwas (Pargat means birth), is celebrated to pay tribute to the great sage and his teachings of social justice and values. The exact date and time of Valmiki's birth are not known, but it is believed that he lived around 500 BC.

Valmiki Jayanti commemorates Maharishi Valmiki's birth anniversary and holds deep spiritual significance for followers across India. Celebrations include Shobha Yatras—processions with Valmiki's idol accompanied by devotional songs and shlokas. Many devotees can also be heard reciting the Ramayana in his honor. KAvi sammellan is being organised where poets recite poems in praise of Adhikavi.

In Chennai, Sanskrit lovers and His devotees:

 visit temple dedicated to Valmiki, such as the famous temple in Thiruvanmiyur.

The most famous temple dedicated to Valmiki is situated in Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai. As per the legends, this 1300-year-old temple was created where Valmiki slept after composing 24,000 shlokas and 7 cantos of the Ramayana.

 Pray in Valmiki temples, which are decorated with flowers and lights 
 Devotees offer free food at Valmiki temples 

Thus, Valmiki is celebrated for his contribution to the benefit of mankind.

वाल्मीकेर्मुनिसिंहस्य कवितावनचारिणः ।

शृण्वन् रामकथानादं को न याति परां गतिम् ॥

Who in this world will not attain salvation, who happens to hear the story of Rama, Composed by the lion among poets Valmiki, who always lived in the forest.

Wednesday 16 October 2024



     `The Divya kshetram TIRUVEGKA is located in the temple town of Kanchipuram in Tamil Nādu closer to Varadaraja Perumal Temple.

The presiding deity is Yatotkaari Perumal, also known as Sonnavannam Seida Perumal in a reclining posture.  (It is a unique posture, of the head to the devotees' right unlike in other kshetrams.) The Goddess is Komalavalli Thayar and Saraswathi is also seen in the sanctum. The sacred water is Poikai Pushkarini and the sanctum sanctorum is Veda Saara Vimanam.

According to the sthala purana the Devas surrendered to the Lord when Vegavathi (Saraswathi river) was forced by Asuras to flood and destroy the yagna of Brahma. Responding to their prayers the Lord lay in the way forming a dam and helped Brahma to complete the yagna. Hence this place gained the name Vegavathi anai, which in due course changed to vegka.

Legend has it that Poikai Azhwar was discovered on a lotus flower in the Poikai Pushkarini. It is also believed that Kanikannan, a disciple of Tirumazhisai Azhwar was banished from the kingdom by the then-ruler of the place. When Tirumazhisai azhwar also accompanied his disciple the Lord joined them. Later when the King revoked the order, at the request of Tirumazhisai Azhwar the Lord returned to HIs original shrine.

Hence the Lord is called Sonnavannam seidha perumal as He acted as per the request of the Azhwar.

Tuesday 15 October 2024



Yes, pumpkins and October are best friends, as pumpkins are a symbol of fall and are in season during October.

“Pumpkins, in October, as fat as the full moon, they sit on our doorstep at night and glow.”

Our obsession with pumpkins dates back ages so this symbol of autumn is here to stay. With a number of holidays coming up fast, now is the perfect time to share and create some great pumpkin memories with your loved ones.

Pumpkin in Hindi is Kaddu or Kaddoo. It is a variety of winter squash, only bigger and yellower in color. It grows throughout India, doesn't require unique soil conditions, and may be used as a climber or creeper.

The word “pumpkin” originates from “peopon,” which means “large melon” in Greek. It then evolved to “pompon” in French and “pumpion” in Britain. The Americans later changed it to “pumpkin,” the name we still use today.

Pumpkin was not native to India. The first appearance of a pumpkin was noted during the 7,000 – 5,500 BC. With the European colonization, the vegetable was spread across the commonwealth. Despite this fact, historical evidence dates the first appearance of the pumpkin 5,000 years ago.

Every part of the versatile pumpkin was used for the survival of our earliest ancestors. The rind, flesh, seeds, and flowers were all consumed or used in some way.

Pumpkins are typically grown in India during the warmer months. The growing season for pumpkins can vary depending on the region and local climate conditions. In general, Pumpkins are grown during the summer (February-April) monsoon (June-August), And Early Winter (September to October).

Its nutrients and antioxidants may boost your immune system, protect your eyesight, lower your risk of certain cancers, and promote heart and skin health. Pumpkin is very versatile and easy to add to your diet in both sweet and savory dishes. Try incorporating pumpkin into your diet today to reap its health benefits.

While India doesn't have an officially declared national vegetable, pumpkin holds significant culinary and cultural importance throughout the country. Indian pumpkin cooks quickly and goes well with a variety of flavors. It is a staple ingredient for many different recipes due to its versatility in the kitchen.

The easiest way to eat pumpkin is to season it with salt and pepper and roast it in the oven. Many people also enjoy making it into pumpkin soup, especially during winter into soup or baked into pies. Its seeds are also edible and highly nutritious. Pumpkins and other squashes are best in autumn.

Like these, Pumpkins have many specialties, including their health benefits, their use in fall decorations, and their use in cooking.

What do you say? Do share it in the comments

Monday 14 October 2024




An apple a day keeps you away from the doctor.

The apple is a wonder fruit, which is well known from the days of Adam and Eve.

Due to the presence of the antioxidant quercetin, apples have been proven to reduce lung decline and lung damage caused by smoking. Those who eat five or more apples per week also have a reduced risk of developing COPD.

I’m bringing it here because October is celebrated as National Healthy Lung Month. It is a time to increase awareness and education around the topic of having good lung health. And also to spread awareness about lung-related diseases.

Healthy Lung Month was founded to educate the public about protecting our lungs against general neglect, bronchitis, mold, air pollution, and smoking.

 Lungs are self-cleaning organs that will begin to heal themselves once they are no longer exposed to pollutants. The best way to ensure your lungs are healthy is by avoiding harmful toxins like cigarette smoke, vaping and air pollution, as well as getting regular exercise and eating well.

 The first and foremost thing to do for a stronger lung is to exercise regularly: when you're physically active, your heart and lungs work harder to get additional oxygen to your muscles. Regular exercise doesn't only make your lungs stronger, but it makes your heart stronger too.

 Consuming a diet high in nutritious foods and beverages is a smart way to support and protect lung health. Coffee, dark leafy greens, fatty fish, peppers, tomatoes, olive oil, oysters, blueberries, and pumpkins are just some examples of foods and drinks that have been shown to benefit lung function.

 Research suggests drinking milk and eating cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products can lower your chances of dying from lung cancer. Unless you're allergic to it, dairy is tied to anti-inflammatory properties.

 Moreover If practiced regularly, breathing exercises can help rid the lungs of accumulated stale air, increase oxygen levels, and get the diaphragm to return to its job of helping you breathe.

 It's always good to breathe fresh air and at the same time, it is necessary to Improve indoor air quality. For this, the need to reduce indoor pollutants is a must.

Here are simple steps: 

Making your home smoke-free 

Dusting and vacuuming regularly 

Opening windows frequently 

Using an aromatherapy diffuser instead of synthetic air fresheners and candles 

Using natural cleaning products 

Ensuring adequate ventilation 


With these steps, the chances of damage to the lungs due to pollution will be less.

Don’t worry, Lungs are a remarkable organ system that, in some instances, have the ability to repair themselves over time.  To support them taking certain dietary supplements, including, vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, omega-3s, zinc, and selenium will work.

Help your lungs breathe easily with quality air. 

(This blog post is a part of Blogaberry's monthly challenge for the prompt: HEALTH. More details here:the

Sunday 13 October 2024







These lines mean a lot to my family, as many of the elder members of the family say these lines, remembering my great-grandfather.

They fondly remember his words and understanding of the financial requirements of the family. The definite need for savings and leading a debt-free life are the two principles he followed among other things in leading a disciplined life.  

So we all are made to be a little aware from our childhood days about terms like money, savings, interest, passbooks, entries, kiddy banks, accounts, FDs, etc.

Saving means not spending a portion of your income, in other words putting some money aside. Your money is therefore safe and available for use at any time.

Saving money is a cornerstone of financial well-being, providing stability, security, and opportunities for long-term growth. Whether saving for emergencies, future expenses, or retirement, cultivating a habit of saving is essential for achieving financial independence and realizing your goals.

Here are the tips to help you learn to save money through budgeting, and investing for a better financial future.

Budgeting is putting together a budget, which is an estimate of your revenue and expected expenses for a given period. Savings refers to the money left over after your expenses are subtracted from your revenue, also within a specific period.

Yes, you all know this very well.

First and foremost –prepare a budget – for an individual or for a family. Know the exact monthly income and prepare a budget.

Know your needs clearly. Try to keep always the expenses under the income.

Sort out or categorize expenses with necessary, emergency, and extra or luxurious.

Keep some in the emergency fund

Invest at least in a recurring deposit monthly if not any other big investment in stocks or mutual funds.

Maintain a diary or an Excel sheet of the expenses every month and tally it on the last day of the month with the income.

Think before you spend

Minimise using cabs, laundry, ironing, phone bills, and too much entertainment.

Prioritise EMI or any other debts over investments. Interest in EMI is greater than the returns on investments many a time. Calculate before taking a step.

Small purchases choose to pay the full amount rather than in EMI because the total EMI in a month will increase, adding pressure to meet the monthly expenses.

Buy certain things online during shopping festivals at the best rates. You save money.

Always remember though, that you cannot earn more money- saving is earning.

Here is a gist of what financial experts say regarding budgeting:

 On a lighter note, here are two books I recommend for you to go through to gain a strong knowledge in handling your money :


2. Tightwads and Spendthrifts by Scott Rick

Saturday 12 October 2024





Watching classics on television is a joy that can’t be easy to put into words. That too a movie with the favourite star cast and in the original language is a double treat.

Last week on ETV, Nartanasala a Telugu movie was telecasted. It is a movie with a plot from Virata Parva of the epic MAHABHARATA.

During the AJNATAVASAM, the Pancha Pandavas disguise themselves and stay in the kingdom of Matsya Raja.

At one point in the movie, Brihannala ( Arjuna) and Uttara Kumara converse with one another on the battlefield.

Brihannala opens up that their AJNATAVASAM, ends by tonight and He will get back his original form from tomorrow - the day is - VIJAYADASAMI

Arjuna will be relieved of his curse and get all his powers. The message He leaves there is immense.

The day we can start to get into action to realise our original power and strength.

Start to keep off procrastination.

Get rid of bad habits with great determination by bringing in the required changes in our routines.

Plan to overcome the fear that is causing hindrance to our success.

Vijayadashmi is not just about winning good over evil, but also patience over anger, happiness over sadness, work over laziness, and positive over negative thoughts, etc.

It is a day to bring out our best and win over ourselves to turn stronger, healthier, and happier.


Friday 11 October 2024




Ash gourd/ white pumpkin, lemon, camphor, flowers, and fruits, are all in high demand and the rates are skyrocketing.

Today Ayudha Pooja is being celebrated.

It's again a Thanksgiving festival- to everything that comes with us to make our day perfect and fine.

All the household items-  electrical and electronic appliances, vehicles we use to commute, the books that help us gain knowledge to sustain our lives, musical instruments that entertain us, gadgets that aid in our professional tasks, every object that lives with us in our house and beyond are dusted, cleaned, decorated and offered a ceremonial thanks.

The essence of Ayudha Pooja is simple yet powerful — a day of thanksgiving for the tools and instruments that empower people in their work.

Role of ash gourd in Ayudha Pooja:

Ash gourd is a key part of Ayudha Puja, a Hindu festival where people worship tools used for success and prosperity

 Since the Goddess is an embodiment of Shakti, sacrifice was a part of it. There was a time it used to be the animal sacrifice. But over time, ash gourd replaced the fauna life as a symbolic sacrifice.

 Ash gourd is used as a substitute for animal sacrifice in rituals. Its shape resembles an animal torso, and it's often pierced with sticks to represent legs and a tail. Vermilion is sprinkled on the exposed flesh to mimic blood. 

 After the puja, it's customary to break the ash gourd outside the house. This symbolizes the animal sacrifice offered during new beginnings and is believed to ward off the evil eye.

Ayudha Puja is the day we celebrate to express gratitude to all the instruments that add value to our lives. It takes into consideration small things like knives, scissors, spanners, etc as well as bigger devices such as computers, machinery, books, and vehicles.

Thus Ayudha Pooja is a Hindu festival celebrated with grandeur and is observed as a public holiday in most regions of India. On this day, devotees worship the tools and instruments that help them in life.



    Auto-rickshaws have been a landmark feature of Indian cities since their introduction in the late 1950s, becoming an indispensable aspec...