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Wednesday, 11 December 2024



  This year was a combination of struggle and tough times. But remembering this quote reached the last month of the year participating in the #blogchatterwrapparty2024

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr.



With lots of hope in my pocket and reading these words every day overcame all the challenges and tough times.


The year was more towards poetry.

Connected with poets through WhatsApp app groups like Chennai and Indian Poetry Circle.

Living a poetic life can mean recognizing and appreciating the world's beauty, interconnectedness, and vitality. It can also mean reawakening the poetic spirit within oneself, enabling one to live to the fullest. 

Submitted poems to certain poetry anthologies that will be published in the coming year.


Donated books.

After many years of being with those books, it was hard for me to depart from them. But I realized that;

Each book you pass on can ignite the imagination, provide comfort, or offer escape to someone in need. The act of giving books creates a ripple effect of positivity, fostering education and literacy in the community.



Recovering from vitamin deficiencies with supplements.  Recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.

Recovery can be a positive process that can lead to a high quality of life.


Participated in various religious events and turned more of a religious person.

A religious person is someone who has a strong belief in a god or gods and expresses that belief in some way. Some characteristics of religious people include: Being devoted to a deity, Being consistent in prayer, Doing good deeds, and Being conscious of details in their religious practices. 



Living authentically often means doing things that feel uncomfortable at first, like expressing our true opinions, setting boundaries, or pursuing passions others might not understand. These moments of discomfort are valuable; they challenge us to expand our limits and grow in ways we never thought possible

.Being authentic means being true to your core beliefs. It ensures that your actions align with your words and thoughts regardless of the circumstances.

An authentic life is one where our needs are met, we feel fulfilled, we experience self-actualization, and we flourish. Authentic living involves a balance between what is occurring within us and how we express and represent ourselves outside.

Finally, I was fearless in being authentic.


(This blog post is part of #blogchatters wrap-up party 2024 prompt: summarize 2024 in six words more details here:

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