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Thursday, 11 January 2024




With winter comes chill weather and all things get cold easily. But for mosquitoes their season and time of joy and enjoyment.

Their numbers and activity is all time high in Chennai.  Mosquito repellents – coil and Liquidators come in handy, but the bat is the best bet. Mosquito bats are one of the best and safest mosquito repellants that you can use in your home. They not only protect you from mosquitoes but also the harmful chemicals used in other types of mosquito repellents. Instead of chemicals, mosquito bats use electricity to kill mosquitoes and other flying insects.

 A typical mosquito bat requires a minimum voltage of around 1200 to 2500 volts to effectively electrocute mosquitoes and other small insects. This high voltage is necessary to quickly incapacitate the insects upon contact.

Inside the handle of a mosquito killer bat contains an electric reachable battery and a circuit board. The mosquito killer bat circuit is made with an electric oscillator, a step-up transformer, a voltage multiplier, and a charging unit that charges the electric battery. 

·         It’s a well- known fact that mosquito repellents contain harmful chemicals that can affect your lungs, respiratory system, or health in general. But a mosquito bat is devoid of any toxic chemicals is the first point of benefit of using a bat.

·         It can be carried to any place, in the times of power cut also it can be used if charged earlier.

·         Serve more number of days when compared to liquidators.

 Moreover, with the help of these mosquito bats, you will be safe from dengue, chikungunya, malaria, or any of the other dozens of harmful diseases. These mosquito rackets have many benefits keeping your family safe from insect diseases.


To know more about the effective use of a mosquito bat, read here:: 

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