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Thursday, 17 August 2023



All human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes. – Arthur Carnegie


The book THE POWER OF A POSITIVE ATTITUDE (Your Road to Success) by Roger Fritz is a book that pours in a lot of information on having a positive attitude. It advantages, effects, outcome, along with the ways to develop and implement is thoroughly dealt in the book.

It’s a handy book with 112 pages smartly sectioned as ten chapters brings positive attitude as light and leverages for a road to success.

 Attitude is a way of thinking or feeling about something and is usually reflected in behavior.

positive attitude involves having a positive mindset and thinking about the greater good irrespective of what the situation is. It helps you to accept your strengths and weaknesses and stay resilient. A positive attitude is instrumental in academic and professional success.


In this book PAQ, LVP, tips to overcome negative attitudes, characteristics of a successful leaders, exercise to assess performance priorities, ways to improve the abilities to care, dependable guidelines to minimise negative consequences of conflict. How to disagree without being disagreeable, test your stress level, list to examine the recovery from burnout, essential personal attributes and many more gems add extra shine to this treasure.


Dr. Fritz was a prolific author of over 63 books on management development and personnel motivation/ self- help. He produced 25 audio albums, and edited three video training series. His columns in weekly newspapers and monthly national magazines reached millions of readers providing a continuing influence on how individuals can increase their effectiveness on and off their job.


There are about 5 points of suggestions on CHANGE THE WAY YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF are simple yet stunning and sure to lead you to become a positive influencer.


I quote “Communication is as much attitude as it is technique” highlights the author while imparting the necessity for a positive attitude for effective communication.  He also presents a five point tip for it to be constructive.


How would you rate as a team leader? Here the author creates a quiz focusing on the 10 qualities and ask the readers to rate. In the same way, 10 questions on Interpersonal relationships are also given for the readers to examine themselves. This will work wonders to improve one self.


In one instance it was interesting to read the history’s greatest military leader’s valuable lessons. In an another context, author emphasis the words - “For success, attitude is equally as important as ability’ – Harry F. Banks   and insists to work on the ten areas where coaching is most needed as stated by Franklin C. Ashby and Arthur R. Pell in their book Embracing Excellence


The author shares with the readers     the list of aspects on generation gap found by a Harvard study. The book is definite to leave a mark in the lives of the readers, this is quite evident in the column dealing with – REJECTING SUGGESTIONS WITHOUT CAUSING RESENTMENT

Throughout the book the author has inserted fine, diligent examples of real life situations and experiences gained out of it. This is sure enough to encourage readers to practice positive attitude.


Finally remember these words: ‘You cannot tailor make the situations in life, but you can tailor make the attitudes to fit those situations before they arise.” Zig Ziglar




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