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Thursday, 9 September 2021





Lifebuoy is a brand of soap with which we all are much familiar. The meaning of the word “lifebuoy” is a life preserver, especially one in the shape of a ring, something that you throw to save when someone has fell into water. A sort of rescue or rescuing. Literally the term “lifebuoy” is a life- saving buoy designed to be thrown to a person in water to provide buoyancy and prevent drowning.

As we all know that “Prevention is better than cure” WILLIAM HESKETH LEVER launched Lifebuoy as the Royal Disinfectant soap. He discovered carbolic acid as he sought the perfect formula for soap that could combat germs and still be affordable to everyone. This Lifebuoy prevents us from diseases caused by germs.

To prevent us from being infected or becoming diseased, Vaccines come in handy. It can be defined as a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccine is a type of medicine that trains the body’s immune system so that it can fight a disease it has not come into contact with before.

Vaccines are normally administered through needle injections, in some cases by mouth ( Polio drops is also a vaccine which protects the child from being affected with polio) or sprayed into nose to prevent disease, rather than treat a disease once you caught it. 

We all are aware that Edward Jenner developed the first small pox vaccine in 1798 and with this vaccine it was possible to eradicate small pox globally. Like this vaccines saves life and with which the life span of humans increased. Vaccines guards humans from the trap of germs, viruses, bacteria which can cause serious infections or life threatening illnesses which may lead to life- long health problems.

Vaccines protect against many diseases and there are vaccines available to combat almost 21 different diseases. These vaccines aid many to protect themselves from diseases in their family history. If you are advised by your Doctor to vaccinate for a particular disease, go ahead, you will be added more years of disease free life.

 So, vaccines are like Lifebuoy which will rescue us from being afflicted with a disease. Have your dose of vaccine in your turn and enjoy a life free of illness.

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