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Friday, 13 August 2021



Mr. Watts-Dunton, says Poetry is “the concrete and artistic expression of the human mind in emotional and rhythmical language.”

This Poetry anthology brings out the emotional and rhythmical language of the hundreds of poets who reside in the various parts of the globe. This is an appreciable effort of poetry soup (an online poetry website- ) to magnificently design and publish the poems of the contemporary poets who were soupers.

The poets in this anthology are members of the website. Poetry soup is a vast international community of about 40,000 poets. It is known for its loyal, robust, welcoming, and growing community of poets called soupers. This first anthology  of poetry soup is printed in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. One of my poem is included in this book. I received it a week ago, when my friend came from U.S.A

There are about 466 pages of this anthology full of poems starting with VIOLIN BY ELAINE CECELIA GEORGE and ending with I SHUT MY EYES BY TONY HARGREAVES. The book also holds in itself a preface, contents by title and contents by Author in 28 pages.

The book provides a unique opportunity to find at one place a potpourri of poems of different length, form and themes. “the secret of pickle” by Dr. Subrahmanyam Radhakrishnan in page 217 presents the essence of  life in a pickle.  “the rose of valentine “ by Arturo Michael Marcano in page 91 is a lovely poem about marriage proposal. “priceless treasures” by Annette R. Hershey is a warm and soothing poem. The list goes on and on, the variety, style and the ideas are in varied hues that surely keep the readers engaged and they can have the pleasure of reading enriched poetry. We must never forget that our chief purpose, after all, should be the enjoyment of poetry as poetry-of poetry for its own sake, as a thing of beauty fraught with infinite meanings for those who have the capacity to feel and the heart to understand.  



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