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Thursday, 30 July 2020


                                           Feeding the People: The Politics of the Potato by Rebecca Earle

FEEDING THE PEOPLE (THE POLITICS OF POTATO) BY REBECCA EARLE deals with the most favourite vegetable of both children &adults. YES! Your guess is right, it is none other than the tuber shaped root vegetable POTATO. “Potato is the fifth most valuable food crop’’. This above line from the book ensures that how potato is being cultivated worldwide in a large scale?

 The book carries a lot of information about potato which will surely excite the reader to complete the book at the earliest. The book is well structured with contents, figures, conclusions, recipes, abbreviations &   Introduction.

 UNITED NATIONS declaration of 2008 as the INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF POTATO itself talks much about potato and the role of it in providing food security and eradicating poverty. Rebecca Earle’s work on one such staple food is worth a wider appreciation.

 Recipe of Sichuan stir fried potato silvers, Truffles; etc along with the mention of German cook books, first printed recipe book, potato- tithe all makes an interesting read.

 In this book, issues like food sovereignty, guild system, peasants &potatoes, first written description of a potato and many more are discussed. Readers are fortunate enough get all these details at just the turn of a page. ”No plant is as universally useful as potatoes”- this line from the book, proves the richness of the plant and the nourishment provided by it.

 Eminent personalities like Columbus, Douglas, William, James Vernon, Adam smith, philosopher Mencius and many Historians were found mention & few of their opinions were also included in this book. This states about the thorough research methodology implemented.

 People related to the study group of food science can benefit a lot from this book.

(PDF of the book provided by NET GALLEY for review)

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