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Monday, 26 December 2016


     When the guest s are invited for lunch or dinner, the dining   table décor can be enhanced by adding a napkin folding in the table arrangement. Many do Napkin folding as an art or hobby at home, were as in high class restaurants, it’s a part of their table set up. The form of Napkin folding dates back to Victorian times, 66cm square classic metre is one fold requiring a large napkin to obtain elaborate old designs. Table napkins may be folded in a number of ways. This can be best done with well starched linen.

Here is the way to make CORNET type of folding:

Cornet is a popular type of folding, its shape is useful in giving height and importance to the table, especially when table‘s floral décor is in a low bowl.

a.       Open a square napkin on the table.
b.      Fold it in half a way, then, refold it, in half- length wise, so that the edges are at the top. Fold the   sides to touch in the middle
c.       Fold under the right and left hand corners as indicated by the dots
d.      From the top right hand side point A, and roll towards the centre.
e.      Repeat this roll on the opposite side from point B.
f.       Press the rolled part into place so that the napkin will stand up.

Here is the way to prepare BISHOP’S METER   type of folding:

Bishop’s meter is a folding mostly used in functions they often had a dinner roll placed inside them.   a.   First crease the square napkin into 3 parts as indicated by dotted lines in {fig. a}
      b.  Fold the lowest third over the middle one.   
      c. Turn the top one inwards and insert and insert it between the first two. The resulting fold of 3               thickness is a rectangular shape as shown in {fig. b}
     d.  Crease this strip equally into 4 parts.
     e.  Open them out so that they are laid flat so as to be lifted and folded over      
f.    f.  Fig {c} shows these end section lifted up, fig {d} indicates how they are folded over so that   the        original ends of the strip have been brought together and now touching at the middle.
    g. Next hold the strip firmly to present it gaping and so that the corners are creased, as shown by             dotted lines fig {e]
    h. Now fold them over as illustrated in fig{f}
i.   i. Cross the napkin diagonally along the middle as indicated  in fig{g}
j.  j. Now fold the napkin along the crease so that the two triangles emerge outwards and are not turned    inwards. The napkin should now appear as shown in fig{h}    
   k.To complete the design, group the farthest point on the left and bring it up with a circular action. So  that it ends can be tucked into the plates of the triangles seen towards right, this provides the left    hand edge of the metre.
l.   l. Next take the farthest point on the right as shown in fig{h} and in the same way fold it into the plates   of the left hand edge .This completes the picture, so that it should appear as  in fig    { I }.

Here is the way to prepare THE ROSE type of folding:

This  is mainly used for presenting round dishes with a square napkin.
     a.       Open the napkin flat on the table.
     b.      Fold the corners to the centre fig {a}
     c.       Repeat this folding fig {b}
     d.      Repeat it 3rd time fig {c}
     e.      Turn the napkin over so that it faces down ward and again, fold all four corners to
              the centre fig{d}
     f.        Using a small cup or simply the fingers, hold the centre firmly, fig {e} now pull up the 12 corners         from underneath so that a petal appears.

Here is the way to prepare THE FAN type of folding:

      a.     Take a well starched napkin and fold it in 3 length wise.
      b.      Pleat half of it evenly to the centre so that the pleats face each other.
      c.       Firmly flatten them down.

      d.      Holding it firmly, insert it into a wine glass fanning it out at the top.         



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