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Monday, 19 December 2016



                                      image of sandwich के लिए चित्र परिणाम

Originally the term “Sandwich” was applied to thin slices of meat placed between slices of bread and butter, a dish which was first introduced around the eighteenth century. Bread a day old, is generally used for sandwiches but fresh bread is more tasty although it is more difficult to cut, for rolled sandwiches however, the bread has to be very fresh. A sandwich may be one of many things, it can be a delicious bit of non- sense that makes you ask for more, it can be prim and proper or staunch and hearty or it can be an empty promise. This reminds me: have sufficient filling for each sandwich. The label should not be the only means of identification
The type of sandwich you make will vary with the purpose for which it is used To avoid monotony there should be a stress on variety Ham burgers, cheese burgers, kabab sandwiches, hot dogs and varieties of toasted sandwiches are a few of the types that can be made when sandwiches form a complete meal. A glass of cold milk and some fruit served with these sandwiches make them as good nutritionally as the best meals. Whether you should take the crust off or leave them on will depend again on the purpose. Generally the heartier the meal for which the sandwich is used, the more the reason for keeping the crust on. Relishes and pickles such as cocktail onions, pickled gherkins, cucumber etc add to palate appeal. These can be chopped up with the filling or used as garnishes. Sandwiches of this type are also used for picnic baskets. Sandwiches are really a picnic boon, for fishing trips, for stag parties and for luncheon clubs etc. Sandwiches are also popular with teenagers, youngsters, for tea parties, for barbecues and for afternoon teas at home and to serve with drinks. The patterns vary with the purpose.
When cutting bread pile up the slices in the order in which they are to be cut. This is to get even and neat looking sandwiches. If the cutting isn’t perfect, as very often hand cutting is cutting easier. Remember to butter both the slices of bread that form a sandwich. Fillings are usually spread only on one side. Here again a variety can be provided by changing the butter, soften the butter before spreading by beating, never by melting.
ARRANGEMENTS: variety can be provided by altering the way in which bread is cut and also by allotting the arrangement. The type of filling and the method of serving the sandwiches will determine the way to cut it. The following diagram shows how to cut and serve the sandwiches. 

In open spaces, place garnishes, relishes, a salad or a serving of soup or a pretty doily of lace or paper mace be put on the plate. This adds to eye appeal. Cane baskets or trays could also be used as containers for display. When different types of sandwiches are served at a reception or party they should have sign flags or labels to denote the variety.

TO KEEP SANDWICHES: After cutting, wrap in an aluminium foil, or in bags made of transparent plastic material. Keep sandwiches in a cool place till required, but do not refrigerate. A napkin dipped in cold water and wrapped around each batch prevents dryness.
THE SERVICE OF SANDWICHES: sandwiches should be served stacked on a plate. Various garnishes can be used such as parsley and watercress.  When serving sandwiches, they should be picked up with sandwiches tongs and place them on a plate.
Ingredients: Grated cheese, capsicum, bread &butter

Method: Spread some slices of bread with butter, sprinkle grated cheese and a little finely chopped capsicum over half of them, cover with remaining  bread, press together, trim and cut into shape. 

                                    image of sandwich के लिए चित्र परिणाम

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