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Saturday, 11 March 2023



"A friend is someone who makes it easy to believe in yourself." "A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have." "The language of friendship is not words but meanings." "Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life."
These are true words and all of us have experienced this type of friends in our life time. We are all certainly blessed to have such ones.  we might have met them in different stages of our lives . With few we might be in touch , rest we miss them.
Here is one such prompt from Blogchatter's BlogHop : IF YOU COULD MEET A LONG - DISTANCE /ON LINE FRIEND, WHO WOULD IT BE.
I have got to meet three of my friends, who were residing in different parts of the world.
“You have three types of friends in life: Friends for a reason, friends for a season, and friends for a lifetime".
I  would like to connect these words with my three friends; one for a reason, one for a season and one for  a lifetime.
Among my three friends - First comes my favourite Author - Ruskin Bond whom I was planning to meet from a  very long time.  This I have mentioned in many of my blogpost. A trip to Landour is on my bucket list. He will be my friend for a life time. His writings always inspired me  and keeps me strong in tough times too. He is my friend, philosopher and guide. His book  A LITTLE BOOK OF FRIENDSHIP speaks a lot on this theme.
Second one is my friend - for a season. This  is because we use to meet only during our vacation mostly summer. We neither stayed in same town nor studied in same school but we are friends. We both visited our respective  maternal grandmothers once  or twice in a year. Her name is Priyamvada
Our friendship was sincere and lovely. We played, roamed around the village, ate together and shared our year long stories about school, teachers, other friends, dresses, bindhis, ribbons, bangles, music , dance and games. When we depart at the end of the month long stay, we eagerly wait for the next vacation when we shall meet again. This continued for many years till we completed our schooling. After that unfortunately our grand mothers too passed away. The chance of visiting the village has become  less, though I went their on few occasions but my friend didn't come there.   Around few years back I came to know that she is in U.S.A. It has been a very long time that we met.  I love to meet her. 

The third friend is - BLOG CHATTER; with whom I made friendship in June 2021. Today is her 7th BIRTHDAY.  Many of  the fellow bloggers are attending the Birthday Bash in Mumbai.
I wish to meet this friend. A friend for  a reason - who helps me to focus on my goals, stay motivated and be creative.
On this happy occasion of #Blogchatterturns7, I place  a request to organize a meet in South India, though not particularly in Chennai. So that we the bloggers from south can try to make  it to meet the lovely members of BLOGCHATTER
Many Many happy returns of the day  - happy birthday to -BLOGCHATTER

All three of my friends who I love to meet are real friends showing  unconditional love and expect nothing in return. They don't  judge  or think less of me. They always help and support me through thick and thin. I'm Grateful to have them in my life.

(This blogpost is a part of Blog Chatter's BlogHop)


  1. A Blogchatter meet in South is a good suggestion.

  2. You have divided your friends very aplty. I also have a friend with whom studied only for 3 years but we are able to continue our friendships even today.

  3. Congratulations on winning this week's blog hop!



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