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Anuradha Sowmyanarayanan has contributed many articles, poems, and write-ups for the online community. The following is the list of her works that were published in various websites and Anthologies

Her poem SHARING COTTON CANDY was published in the CHENNAI POETS Circle's ANTHOLOGY- "EFFLORESCENCE 2024"  which was released in the Annual seminar held on        19-1-25

Her second e-book titled ARTS AND CRAFTS OF INDIA was published in June 2023 on Amazon KDP. Here is the book buy link. :

Her recipe has been published in BBC GOOD FOOD, Find the recipe here

On the World Poetry Day -21-03-23, presented a video reciting a poem for the poetry chatter contest by Blogchatter. Listen to  the poem here

A story titled JULIE -THE JACK found an honourable mention in the HarperCollins THE GOPI DIARIES STORY WRITING CONTEST and published in their Blog on 10-3-23. Read it here

A book review done by her of  the German translated book THE MUSEUM OF THE WORLD  was published by Goethe Institute Chennai in their Face Book page on 6-3-23. Listen to a short book review : here

An article WHAT NON-FICTION CAN DO was contributed to THE HINDU -OPENPAGE and was published on 9-10-22. Read it here

An article titled "Navratri - the 9 day festival of Golu in Tamil Nadu was contributed to Blogchatter's bestorified and was published on 26-9-22. Read the article here :

A QUIZ "CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE AROUND TEH FAMOUS TEACHERS AND THEIR LEGACIES was contributed to Blogchatter's BeStorified and was published on 5-9-22. Take the quiz here :

An  article titled  VINAYAKA CHATURTHI AND TAMIL DELICACIES was contributed to Blogchatter's bestorified and published. Read here:

In  the Blogchatter's program  #Spokenwordwith blogchatter , Anuradha Sowmyanarayanan was one among the 10  winners of the poetry competition, she recited her poem in the FB Live session. Watch it here

A QUIZ "ON ONE OF INDIA'S MAJOR INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS- THE QUIT INDIA MOVEMENT" was contributed and published in Blogchatter's Bestorified: 

An article titled "START OF TEH FESTIVE SEASON AADI AND CELEBRATIONS IN THE WINTER SOLSTICE''  was contributed and published in Blogchatter's Bestorified :

Her interview at interview series can be read here :

Her first e book published in the Blogchatter's e book carnival:

A Guest post was contributed to Blog Chatter and published on April 28th 2022 with the title : 12WAYS THROUGH WHICH BLOGGING COMMUNITIES CONTRIBUTE TO A BETTER WORLD :

A quiz "CHECK HOW BOOKISH YOU ARE WITH  THIS FUN QUIZ ON #WORLS BOOK DAY was contributed and published in BlogChatter's Bestorified on April 25th :

An article titled CELEBRATING THE TAMIL NEW YEAR WITH SHAD RASA was contributed to Blog Chatter's Bestorified and published on April 10th 2022

A Quiz on the occasion of Women's Day was contributed to Bestorified and published on March 8th  with the title "DO YOU KNOW THESE REMARKABLE WOMEN FROM INDIA? "

An Article titled HONOURING MAHA MAHESWAR was contributed to Blogchatter's bestorified and was published on March 1st 2022

An  Article titled SIX  INSPIRING BOOKS TO TEACH INCLUSIVITY IN CHILDREN was  contributed to Blog chatter's Bestorified and was published on February 19th 2022

A Quiz on " INDIA’S MONUMENT OF LOVE- HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW IT? was published in BlogChatter's Bestorified on February 14th 

An article titled CELEBRATING MIGHTY SUN  GOD IN THE MONTH OF MAGHA was contributed to Blog chatter's bestorified and published on February 8th 2022

*An article in the form of a quiz was contributed to Blogchatter's Bestorified on the "Pride and Prejudice" day (28.1.22)  with the title HOW WELLDO YOU KNOW PRIDE AND PREJUDICE? TAKE THIS QUIZ AND FIND OUT !

*An article titled CELEBRATING THYAGARAJA ARADHANA WITH 5 POETIC GEMS was contributed to Blogchatter's Bestorified and it was published on 22nd January 2022

*An article titled HOW MUSIC, DANCE AND LORD NATARAJA ARE CELEBRATED IN DECEMBER? was contributed to "Blogchatter's Bestorified" and it was published on 4th of December 2021.

was contributed to "Blogchatter's Bestorified " and it was published on 3rd November 2021

*  An article titled THE SECRET OF CHAKKARA PONGAL was contributed to "Blogchatter's Bestorified " and it was published on 9th of October 2021

* Her fine words for Ruskin words were published in the second Newsletter of the online community  "Fans of Ruskin Bond"

* Her poem titled ''SMILE'' is published in  the first anthology of poetry soup "PS: IT'S POETRY "in  the year 2020 with ISBN NUMBER :  9798571117760 . The book is available at Amazon : : 

* Her poem titled "WEAVERS" is published in the anthology of "WORDWEAVERS2015" in the year 2020. The book is available at :

* Her write ups published at "WOMEN'S WEB" can be accessed at :

*She regularly contributes Indian recipes made at home in the scroll stack :

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