top Indian blogs

Friday, 22 July 2022



“The DVS Odyssey –celebrating 15 years of Excellence” is my favourite book of 2022 so far. This is the topic of my blogpost in return to the prompt of Blogchatter’s BlogHop.

You might have heard the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover’’ Here also I insists the same. This book is not written by a famous author and not being published through a well- known publisher. Basing on these, the book may not be at an accessible level to all.  That’s why I thought to share few fresh perspectives about the book and the reason for it being my favourite.

The book is a chronicle, souvenir and a memoir carrying with it the journey of dreams of an entrepreneur who had a start-up plan and initiated to execute it driven by passion and powered by intellect. How was his journey? How he conquered his dreams amidst many obstacles? All these and more are presented in a lively manner in the book covering the ups and downs in the journey and completing 15 years of this endeavour.

The book opens up with the quote of Matthew Arnold- “Life is not having and getting its being and becoming”. The book is addressed for both the fellow travellers and beloved successors. What made to write this book and what’s the purpose of it?

I quote from the book – “My reflections on the reasons why we are documenting this chronicle:

·        The journey as a nostalgia

·        Gratitude to instrumental people in the journey

·        Tributes to our beloved people who we miss

·        The mistakes more than successes for the future generations to learn from

·        The strength of successful partnerships

·        The evolution of our value system

·        Souvenir to people who value us and our journey

·        Celebrate 15 years of this journey

There are about ten chapters in this book and the author Divakar Vijayasarathy, Founder and CEO, DVS Advisory group present his experience along with his partners. Each chapter speaks about a particular section of his firm, team members, partners, stake holders, clients, mentors and family members.

Most interesting and laudable thing is the chapter – Beyond DVS- The social Responsibility Initiatives, where the book sprinkles their efforts taken for the education, towards community building, thought leadership and for Mother Nature.

Letters from alumni, clients and patron’s are all heart- warming and showcases the team work of DVS, commitment, and their values system which fetched them such beautiful responses.

Reading this book is sure to make us to dare to dream and be successful in life.

{This blogpost is part of BlogChatter's BlogHop}

{Prompt : Favourite book of 2022 so far}


  1. Sounds like an inspiring book that includes social responsibilities as well. I've written for the same prompt too.

  2. Life is being and becoming. Indeed.



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