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Saturday, 21 December 2024



Dhanurmas or Dhanur Masa is also known by the names Chapa Mas, Kodanda Mas, Karmuka Mas etc. Chapa, Kodanda, Karmuka, etc., in Sanskrit, are synonyms of Dhanus; meaning a bow. It is the month of margashira and so also called Margazhi masam in Tamil. Lord Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita, 'Maasanam Margashirshoham'.

 Dhanurmasam generally occurs in between the two lunar months Margasira and Pushya. As per the English calendar, Dhanurmasam generally starts on 16th December and ends on January 13th or 14th on the Bhogi festival day.

Dhanurmasam has acquired a unique significance of auspiciousness in the Hindu spiritual calendar for devotional activities especially worshiping of Lord Vishnu. More significance is given to worshiping Lord Vishnu in Dhanurmasam during the early hours before Sunrise known as Arunodaya Kaala.

 Dhanurmasam is a month-long celebration in honour of Lord Srinivasa in South India. In this month, prayers and devotional celebrations to Lord Vishnu are conducted with great fervour and devotion.

 Dhanurmasam is named after the sun's transit through the Dhanu Rashi, or Sagittarius, zodiac sign. The month begins when the sun enters Dhanu Rashi and ends when it leaves and enters the next sign, Makara, or Capricorn. 

Dhanurmasam is a significant month in the Telugu calendar and is celebrated in southern India. Dhanurmasam is also called Shoonya Masa, or "zero month", because it is considered inauspicious to start new things or engage in worldly activities. Instead, devotees focus on spiritual pursuits and holy functions. 

Some ways to celebrate Dhanurmasam include: 

Performing daily morning routines like sna:nam and anushtta:nam

Performing pu:ja to Lord Krishna, Go:da, and others

Offering havis as naïve:dyam

Cooking rice and green dal together

Chanting songs like Guru Parampara, Thiruppalli ezhuchi, and 28 songs of Thiruppa:vai

Offering prasadam to the Lord and Go:da


According to tradition, the Gods wake up early in the morning during the month of Dhanurmas. They perform special prayers to Sri Maha Vishnu during the auspicious period of "Brahm Muhurta", which is one and a half hours before sunrise. During this month, devotees offer prayers to the Lord very early in the morning.

Dhanurmasam is a special month in the Hindu calendar that is known for its many religious and spiritual activities: 

Worship of Vishnu: It is considered highly auspicious to worship Lord Vishnu in the early morning during Dhanurmasam. Some believe that worshipping Vishnu on a single day during this month equals worshipping him for 1,000 years. 

Worship of Andal: Devotees also pay tribute to Sri Andal (Bhudevi) by studying and reciting Tiruppavai, a Tamil poem composed by her. 

Morning prayers: Devotees perform special prayers to the Lord during the auspicious "Brahm Muhurta" period, one and a half hours before sunrise. 

Feeding the poor: It is believed that feeding or giving alms to the poor and Brahmins during Dhanurmasam confers great merit. 

Taking vows: Some people take special vows during Dhanurmasam. 

Offering homemade food: Devotees prepare homemade food and offer it to God. 

Listening to spiritual discourses: Devotees listen to spiritual discourses. 

Visiting the temple: Devotees visit the nearby temples of Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva 

Dhanurmasam begins when the sun enters the Sagittarius sign. It is the last month of Dakshinayana, which is the six months when the Earth is in the shadow of the Sun. 

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