Saturday 15 June 2024





 The temple of Uppaliappan in Kumbakonam prepares food without salt and this prasadam is relished among devotees. When you taste the prasadam that this temple offers you will not miss eating salt. The prasadam is as delicious as one could imagine. The beauty of the food here is that if you are eating food outside the temple you will not enjoy the food without salt. But the food that is specially cooked in the temple is simply perfect even without salt.

 Once Sage Markandeya was practicing penance and wanting Mahalaksmi as his daughter. He heard a baby girl crying possessing all the attributes of Mahalakshmi. Rishi Markandeya took care of the child and raised the child to a marriageable age. When She attained the marriageable age, Lord Vishnu in the guise of an old man called on the sage seeking his daughter in marriage. Markandeya Rishi simply turned down His request saying that his daughter was too young for Him and did not know even cooking with the correct quantity of salt to be added to the preparations. Adamant Lord said that he would accept the food even without salt. Sage understood that the visitor was no other than lord Vishnu and he was happy to give his beloved daughter to Him. As Perumal accepted food without salt (Uppu in Tamil), He is praised as Uppili Appan and also as Oppili Appan as none equals Him.

As per the legend, the temple's Neyvethiyam (food offering) is always prepared without salt. The name Oppiliappan is a result of this legend.

Puliyodharai (Tamarind Rice), Dhadhyonam (Curd Rice), Pongal, Chakkarai Pongal, Vada, Adhirasam, Murukku are offered to Lord as Prasadam. While eating the Prasadam inside the temple, one would never realize that it was cooked without salt.



    Veda Patashala was established for the study of the scriptures in the traditional Gurukula system. Veda Patashala's mission is to pr...