Tuesday 26 March 2024


  Today's minimum temperature in Chennai is recorded at 24°c (degrees celsius), and the maximum temperature is expected to go as high as 32°c (degrees celsius). Throughout the day, the temperature is likely to hover around 29 degree celsius.

To tackle this weather condition, cooling food are the immediate need.

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes are just a few examples that are a great source of water and vitamin C in the summer. They might help reduce body temperature and boost energy. Additionally, vitamin C is a fantastic nutrient for preventing skin issues brought on by hot weather.

 One superfood that perfectly aligns with the summer season is the drumstick, also known as Moringa. Packed with an abundance of nutrients and medicinal properties, drumsticks offer a plethora of health benefits that are particularly beneficial during the hot summer months.

 In the summer season, cardamom can be especially useful as a cooling spice that offers various benefits in hot weather. Cardamom has a refreshing aroma and taste that can help to regulate body temperature and promote overall well-being.

According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, cardamom has a cooling effect on the body. This is because it contains volatile oils like camphor and eucalyptol, which have a cooling effect on the body's tissues.

Apart from these watermelons, cucumbers, tender coconuts, ice apple, aloe vera and buttermilk are usually consumed in large quantities at frequent intervals to beat the scorching heat.

Be safe, Be healthy.

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