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Tuesday, 22 August 2023



  Madras was the shortened name of the fishing village Madraspatnam, where the British East India Company built a fort and factory (trading post) in 1639–40. Tamil Nadu officially changed the name of the city to Chennai in 1996.

From 1801 until 1858, Madras was a part of British India and was ruled by the British East India Company. The last quarter of the 18th century was a period of rapid expansion.


Today, modern Chennai, formerly known as Madras is a large cultural, commercial and industrial centre, and is known for its cultural heritage and temple architecture.

Madras Day was initiated by a group of enthusiastic individuals who wanted to celebrate the rich history of the city. The first celebration took place in 2004, and since then, it has grown into a big festival filled with events, exhibitions, talks, and performances.


Every year, August 22 is observed as Madras Day to celebrate the foundation of Madras city in Tamil Nadu in 1639, and therefore, this year marks the 384th anniversary of the foundation of the city.


Madras Day is significant because it encourages residents to appreciate and learn about their city's rich history and diverse culture. It also promotes a sense of community and belonging among the people of Chennai.

On this Madras Day, Let us take a look at few important books in Literature which describes Chennai/ Madras at its best.

·        In Visvagunadarsa Champu a Sanskrit poem by the poet Venkatadhvari of 18th Century, has mentioned about the city:

अत्र वसन्तः सन्तः चिरन्तनोक्तयन्त-चिन्तना-अश्रान्ताः। आतन्वन्तं सुचरितम्-आतन्वन्तो विभान्ति मानधनाः।।

The people of Chennai were always discussing about the Vedic and philosophical treatises, till their last breath they are practicing and performing righteous activities and shining with their prestige.

विरचयन्ति वस्त्वद्भुतम्। It means that the Chennai people make the good products as well as exhibit to sale them


·        In the Tamil text THIRUVARUTPAA by the saint poet Vallalar describes the City :

தருமமிகு சென்னையுள் கந்த கோட்டத்துள் வளர் தவமோங்கு கந்தவேளே. 

Oh! Lord! Muruga, the one who is residing in the Kandha kottam in the righteous Chennai protect me.

·        In Tamil devotional works – NALAIRADIVYA PRABANDAM, saint poet THIRUMANGAI ALWAR in his Periya Thirumozhi, puts forth the magnificence of the City as:


vEdhaththai vEdhaththin suvaip payanai vizhumiya munivar vizhungum
kOdhil in kaniyai nandhanAr kaLiRRaik kuvalayaththOr thozhudhEththum
Adhiyai amudhai ennai ALudai appanai oppavarillA
mAdhargaL vAzhum mAdamA mayilaith thiruvallikkENik kaNdEnE


emperumAn has vEdham as his wealth; he is the one who bestows the results for karmAnushtAnams mentioned in vEdham matching the taste of the devotees; he is very enjoyable like a faultless, sweet fruit, who is enjoyed by great sages such as sanaka et al; he is enjoyable like an elephant calf for SrI nandhagOpa; he is the cause of the universe; he is surrendered unto and praised by the residents of earth; he is sweet like nectar; he is the benefactor who enslaved me; I got see such emperumAn in thiruvallikkENi, which is part of the region having rich mylApUr as the capital city, having mansions where matchless women are living.



These were the few examples where the city finds place in the ancient works and are the evidences that show cases the beauty and the glory of the Chennai city.



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