Monday 28 November 2022


WE may not have enough space to write in respect of each day ? Well, let's explain why.

After having failed in all  exercises in time management techniques, legendary millionaire Charles Swab was introduced to consultant Ivy Lee who wrote on the back of an envelope his suggestion 

"PLAN TO DO JUST FOUR THINGS PER DAY" When irate Swab asked him, "What is this?" Lee said, "Try it out for 6 months and then let me know if it doesn't work." It worked.

Swab was mighty pleased and paid Lee $25,000 (huge money in the early 1900s) complimenting him for one of the finest pieces of advice.

Write the four tasks before the previous night. Yes WRITE it in a planner. This is works better even if you are tech -savvy. Write them in the order of priority. You must finish the first one before starting the next. That's an absolute must. Forget this silly thing called multi- tasking.

Stay focussed by visualising the benefit that will flow in when you crack the job; Oh, it's joy when you strike an item off the list upon completion.

Before getting involved in your task Bear these in mind what the great personalities have said:

 1. If you have an urge to build something that could change the world, don't focus on the money, but the legacy you 'll leave behind. - Alexander Tamas

2.  You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. - Charles F. Kettering

3. Let us do something while we have the chance. It is not every day that we are needed. - Samuel Beckett.


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