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Sunday, 17 April 2022



Shopping is an activity carried out by many men and women happily. It is some- times a pastime activity and many end up buying all the products they feel good for their home irrespective of the thought about the place and the necessity for it in the home.

Especially this is experienced by all those who visit life style exhibitions and get impressed with the demonstration of the sales men and bring home all the products on display.  Here are few lines on this :

Off I go, to every life style exhibition and sale in town, jostling with a thousand other eager householders like me, to see what new and exciting kitchen paraphernalia I can bring back home.

 As a wide –eyed crowd watches along with me, a deft gentleman will demonstrate the 7- in -1 Kitchen wonder. It can slice tomatoes into blade - like thinness, dice apples and slice cucumbers; fleece cheese, shred bread and julienne onion, and with a quick flip and adjustment of screws, cut carrots into pretty orange flowerettes.

And yet, our kitchen drawers continue to  jangle noisily every time we open them,  two carrot peelers (we use the knife; it’s somehow faster), two multi lever can openers (we reach for that good old knife and hammer again) and a fancy suction bottle opener (we prefer to give it to our watchman who always twists it open easily). However, this knowledge fails to visit our brains when we see that ad in the paper, and yet again we rush fascinated to exhibitions so that we may amass complicated gadgetry just to simplify our lives.

As if these consumer fairs were not enough, we crave for fancy implements from abroad, and eagerly rush into the homes – needs sections in gigantic supermarkets on every holiday. And buy an extra suitcase to fit in all those baking accessories which every all –American home is equipped with. But the icing on the cake is the amazing squeezy cone that makes delicate rose petals almost as perfectly as God makes them. But when our beloved child’s next birthday comes around, what do we do? Order a spiderman cake from the bakery of course; now which kid of today wants to eat roses?

If you feel pangs  of guilt and kinship with me, you also no doubt have secretly hidden somewhere in your homes, like me, a wonder roti –making machine that was all the craze about 10 years ago. Admit it! You stared at several mildly flattened lumps of stubborn dough, and experienced an urge to cry, even though the wonder salesman turned out light –as –air phulkas right before your eyes during the demo. Right?

However, inventors of new householder wonders should be pleased that there are people on this planet, who has an eye for spotting labour – saving devices, and never fails to exploit them.


What do you say?  Do you have any house hold item you bought in an exhibition laying in the cupboards or loft? Share it in the comment

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