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Wednesday, 22 September 2021


I was happened to read the book THE ELEPHANT, THE TIGER AND THE CELL PHONE,  this afternoon the reason being the title. Its so catchy & quite interesting. Just read only one essay from that book and thought to share few points of that.

"The challenge of Literacy" is an essay from that book. The Author of the book is Shashi Tharoor. In this essay, Tharoor expounds some of the challenges of literacy in India where nearly half of the population is illiterate. Illiteracy, here is linked to poverty and inequality. without education, individuals find it difficult to exercise their civil, economic, political or social rights. Though the national policy is favourably inclined to promote literacy, the country is yet to attain 100% literacy due to lack of educational resource

 Education is everyone's basic human right. But since independence, education in India has made slow progress and faces challenges in term of quality and infra structure. Thousands of adults still hide behind the veil of  illiteracy. Activities the rest of us take for granted such as filling up a form, reading instructions, decoding a route, helping children with their homework , grocery shopping pose a daily ordeal. He points out that the literacy rate has certainly increased through the years in the case of women than that of men. 

Tharoor also explains the idea of human capital which is the stock of valuable and relevant knowledge built up in the process of education. He also illustrates how human capital is important in building a nation. Most importantly focus on education for all children should be made mandatory. Tharoor strongly states that economic success is based on educational success. Education helps the nation improve its economy, the health of its citizens and encourages democratic participation and active citizenship.

The most distressing aspect of literacy statistics in the world in general and in India in particular is that two-thirds of the world's illiterate adults are women. Educating girls is one of the important ways of empowering women as it creates more opportunities to build a better life for themselves and their families.  He has also stated that children of educated mothers perform better than the children of illiterate mothers. without education, people today struggle to take part in the world around them and reach their full potential as individuals, parents, employees and citizens. 

Encourage Literacy. 

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  1. State of literacy un India is sad. Itsq our responsibility as privileged people to encourage literacy.

  2. India has definitely come a long way from 1947 when most citizens were illiterate as well as poor. But there's still a lot of room for improvement.

  3. Nicely summed up the major points of the essay. India needs to improve its record in this area particularly. Great choice of book and essay too
    Deepika Sharma

  4. This looks like an interesting read. Thanks for sharing the review. I completely agree about the title, quite catchy.

  5. True we should encourage everyone to learn to read and write at the least if nothing else.

  6. We have progressed but are still far away from ideal



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