Animals are generally ferocious, wild, strong &quick in their
movements & shrewd in their behaviours. Animals are more close to nature
which makes them fit to live in their habitats in spite of many hindrances.
Carnivorous &herbivorous are the major types of animals.
Animals provide us food and clothing along with some attributes from
which inspirations on good living could be drawn from, and it was the for very
reason that men and women started deifying animals and worshipping them as
Gods. Even Gandhiji’s words teaches us the same.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the
way its animals are treated.”
Animals are as well depicted as the “Vahanas” of the many deities for
qualities such as aesthetic beauty, regal bearing, and strength.
MOUSE, DOG, GOAT, COCK, CROW are the major &well know “Vahanas” on which
the Gods travel. (Vahanas means Vehicles)
“Panchatantra” believed to have been composed in Sanskrit in the 3 rd
Century BC, by Pandit Vishnu Sharma, is the earliest documented version. These
and similar accounts in other Indian languages, explain in a simple allegorical
manner, certain complicated maxims and standards of life, either as Morals, or
sayings, or proverbs, which still have meaning for us today.
Few qualities in animals like patience, team work, conscientiousness
&many more can be inspired from them by observing the behaviour of a dozen
animals which inhabit the wilds of South India.
1. Deer- Axis Axis (MUTUALISM): A
moderately sized deer, the chital as it is otherwise called, is a gregarious
species that forms matriarchal herds, which are primarily grazers and browsers.
A timid creature it is
preyed upon by almost every other carnivore, but over the years has entered
into an interesting mutualistic relationship with Grey Langur as a
countermeasure against potential threats, and the pair may often be seen feeding together. The chital benefits from
the langur’s keen eye sight and ability to post a look out from trees, while
Langur benefits from the chital’ s acute sense of smell and hearing, both of
which help keep a check on potential threats by providing an early warning.
Mutualism is a doctrine
that mutual dependence is necessary for social wellbeing and ,the fable of
Greek origin “The Blind Man and the Lame” that recounts how two individuals
collaborate in an effort to overcome their respective disabilities, is an apt
example of mutualism in human beings.
2. Dhole -cuon alpinus (TEAMWORK) : A sociable canine, the “Endangered” Indian Wild
Dog or Dhole, with its highly evolved social structure and lesser dominance
hierarchy, lives in clans rather than in packs, for centuries of evolution have
taught it that, Together Everyone Achieves More. The dhole preys on hoofed
animals much bigger than itself, such as large deer, which it runs down by
relentless pursuit, and it owes its success as a hunter chiefly to co-ordinated
team work. The pack splits itself into teams, and as one team gives active chase
from behind, other teams engage themselves in wide encircling manoeuvres, and
close in on the quarry from the sides. All the while a reserve team ambles
easily behind, its function, to take over the chase, from individuals who tire
out. Unlike other virtues which have to be cultivated, team work is something
that is inherent in human beings, for hunter-gatherers of prehistory were well
know to have associated themselves in
co-operative behaviour, a trait that seems to have become blunted over the
passage of time.
3. Grey Langur- Simiaentellus(
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS) Popularly known as the Hanuman Langur, this simian lives in
troops and is much more earthbound in its habits than the others of its order.
These creatures which inhabit the more open jungles of India are preyed upon by
the larger carnivores, and long experience has taught them to post a sentinel
atop a lofty tree, to warn the troop of possible danger whilst they forage on
the ground. The Langur watchman can teach humanity a lesson in
conscientiousness, from the way he carries out his duties, for from his outlook
he never stirs, but keeps a sharp look out on the ground below, all conscious
of the fact that the lives of the other members of the troop depend on the his
unceasing vigilance. Wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly is
conscientiousness, and a corporation or a society of conscientiousness men is a
corporation with a conscience.
4. Nilgiri Tahr- Nilgiritragus hylocrius
(TRUST): Peculiar to the western Ghats of Southwest India, the Nilgiri Tahr, is
an endangered species of mountain goat that inhabits the high altitude mountain
grasslands of these chain of hills. A surefooted creature it lives in small herds,
and when threatened with predation, the
herd takes to the safety afforded by steep cliffs and precipitous crags,
leaping from one narrow ledge to another, climbing what might be a mere crack
on a vertical rock face, where a false step may prove fatal. The young of the
Nilgiri Tahr, follow the elders up any steep rock face, secure in the trust
that it is safe to follow where they led, an unquestioning obedience which
enables the young of many a creature of the wild to grow to maturity. Learning
to trust is one of the life’s most difficult tasks, particularly for humans,
whose inborn instincts are overridden by ego, for in trust lies the hidden gate
to success.
5. Striped Hyena - Hyaena hyaena
(PERSEVERANCE) : A nocturnal scavenger, the striped Hyena is a solitary animal
which subsists mostly on the left overs of the kills of larger carnivores. This
“Near Threatened” denizen of the open jungles of India, is more closely related
to mongeese (plural of mongoose, mongooses can also be used but is considered
as crude English), rather than to dogs, whom it superficially resembles.
Although the Hyena is considered cowardly and is often treated with derision,
it at times is known to drive away tigers and leopards from their kills, not by
aggression, but by the cacophony of unearthly noise that it is wont to make in
such situations, keeping up the racket for hours with stubborn perseverance, till
the rightful owner, out of sheer disgust at the unholy din, moves away. Perseverance
is defined as persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in
achieving success, and though the tendency to give up is natural to the human race,
perseverance guarantees that results are inevitable.
6. Wild Boar -Sus Scrofa (COURAGE) : A
versatile omnivore, the wild Boar inhabits diverse habitats ranging from snow
forests to deserts, where it lives in sounders of a dozen or so individuals. A
big hearted and normally inoffensive creature, there is no animal as menacing
in the Indian jungle once it has been aroused, that willingly takes on
unfavourable odds.
When wounded or
threatened with danger, the boar shows rare courage, preferring to stand its ground
rather than seek safety in retreat, driving home charge after charge with much
dash and determination, most often emerging victorious, an attribute which
makes it a subject in heraldry both in recent times and antiquity. counted as
one of the four virtues of Ancient Greek thought, courage, is the choice and
willingness to confront agony, pain, peril, uncertainty or intimidation,
courage doesn’t always roar, but sometimes says at the end of the day, in a
quiet voice. ‘I will try again tomorrow.”
‘Vulnerable’ species, the Sloth Bear is peculiar to the wilds of the Indian Subcontinent
and is much more familiar as the dancing bear of the yesteryears, and is named
so for it looks like the South American Sloth. Nobody would ever dare to even
dream that this shaggy, dusty, unkempt, clumsy and purblind creature, possesses
to any degree, the human attribute of farsightedness. Nevertheless the Sloth
Bear shows a prudent awareness of future possibilities, for in times of plenty,
it is known to regurgitate a mixture of half-digested fruits and pieces of
honey comb that hardens into a bread like mass, which it then puts away for a
rainy day. Being “Farsighted’ relates to having good judgement about what will
be needed in the future and making wise decisions based on the this, and is
more a human quality, which may also be termed as vision, or the art of seeing
things invisible.
8. Asian Elephant -Elepas maximus
(INNOVATIVENESS): A crepuscular mega herbivore which lives in matriarchal herds,
the ‘Endangered” Asian Elephant inhabits the more open types of jungles, but
shrinkage and fragmentation of its habitat have in recent times, forced to move
out into adjacent areas of cultivation to raid crops quite frequently. The
elephant with its large brain is a highly intelligent and self-aware creature
which is now considered to be one among the most intelligent and innovative
animals. It is known to intentionally drop logs or rocks on electric fences to
short them out, to plug up water holes with balls of chewed bark to keep other
animals from drinking them away and are even known to systematically modify
branches to swat at files, breaking them down to ideal lengths for attacking
the insects. Innovativeness is more of a human quality, and can be termed as
the key that unlocks new values and quality that differentiates a leader from a
9. Indian flying fox- Pteropus giganteus
(ADAPTABILITY): Native to tropical forests and swamps, the Indian Flying Fox or
the Greater Indian Fruit Bat, belongs to an order which had long ago taken to
the skies to avoid the hustle and bustle on the ground, and which have evolved
themselves for a nocturnal lifestyle leaving the day lit hours to the other
ungulates and carnivores. Loss of its habitat doesn’t seem to have affected
this highly adaptable creature to any great extent, for rather than bemoaning
the loss. It has colonised with ease, disturbed habitats in both rural and
urban areas. Here it roosts contentedly in the day time, by the hundreds, on
large way side trees and as well on those growing close to agricultural fields,
ponds, and so forth. The ability to adapt is an inherent quality of the human
race, which over passage of time, learnt to live in frozen wastes and waterless
deserts; for it is not the strongest that survive, nor intelligent, but the
most adaptable.
Tiger- Panthera tigris (PATIENCE): A solitary hunter which preys on fairly
largish animals, the now endangered Bengal Tiger, once roamed the wilds of
India in large numbers, but hunting, loss of habitat, combined with other
factors, have taken their toll, and it is now confined to pockets, as a mere
fraction of those that were seen nearly a century earlier. The tiger depends on
a terrific last minute rush, launched from within a short distance, to bring
down its quarry, and the way it either methodically and noiselessly stalks its
prey, or waits in ambush for hours on end, can teach humanity a lot about
patience. Although counter to human instinct, “Patience is a virtue”, as the
old English adage goes, for the ability to wait for something without getting
angry or upset is a valuable quality in a person, which both in the short and
long run gives much enduring results.
– Bos gaurus (LEADERSHIP): Living in matriarchal herds numbering a dozen
individuals or so, the Gaur also better known by the misnomer, Indian Bison,
inhabits any type of jungle. Due to their formidable size and power, Gaur have
few natural predators, except for an occasional tiger, or the latter is wont to
hunt down the gaur’s young or infirm. They are known to put up a combined
defence when they sense they are stalked, and walk menacingly towards the
predator as a phalanx with lowered horns, with the matriarch leading at the
head of the phalanx, keeping the rest of the head focussed and motivated to do
their best. For humans, leading by example can be quite a difficult task and
not as simple as that of the gaur, for it is just not about crowning glorious
acts, but about laying the groundwork for others’ success, and then standing
back and letting them hold on.
Jackal – Canis aureus (RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT): The Indian jackal, the subject of
many a folklore, often in the role of a trickster, usually lives in packs which
typically inhabit the outskirts of the towns, villages, and farms, and at times
jungles. It is a great resource-manager which puts to use all available assets,
for near villages and small towns it subsists on garbage and offal, supplemented
with rodents, reptiles, fruit and insects; and in jungles either scavenges or
occasionally hunts down small deer and antelopes in packs. A few lone
individuals are apt to enter into mutual relationship with tigers, alerting
them to the presence of a potential meal, their reward, a share in the
proceedings. Unlike the wants of the Jackal which are simple, the resources
which human society or an organisation need, are more complex and are not easy
to find. They have to be searched for, and once found, successful resource
management lies in the efficient and effective deployment and allocation of
These animals never speak
up about their space, rights, &difficulties, but we as humans should feel
the responsibility and care for them.
“Living wild species are
like a library of books still unread. Our heedless destruction of them is akin
to burning the library without ever having read its books. – John Dingell.
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