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Wednesday, 21 February 2024


It's the feeling of truly enjoying your life, and the desire to make the very best of it. Happiness is the "secret sauce" that can help us be and do our best. Here's what researchers found when they studied happy people: Happy people are more successful. Happy people are better at reaching goals.

 Recently, a critical mass of research has provided what might be the most basic and irrefutable argument in favor of happiness: Happiness and good health go hand-in-hand. Indeed, scientific studies have been finding that happiness can make our hearts healthier, our immune systems stronger, and our lives longer.


·         Happiness is a subjective experience, and what makes one person happy may not have the same effect on someone else. However, one thing that is commonly associated with happiness is energy. Energetic people are often described as being happy, outgoing, and positive.

·         Happy people are more motivated than unhappy people and that with happiness comes passion. Passion and happiness create energy. If you're not happy with something you're doing or in a relationship that is abusive, it may be time to assess what effect it's having on your life.


Always choosing happiness means constantly renewing your commitment to increasing your emotional well-being. That might mean focusing on self-improvement, like building more self-love, engaging in meditation practice, or putting extra effort into managing your emotions, like reaching out to a friend for support.

 Happiness is good for our health

* Happier people are less likely to get sick, and they live longer. 

*Happiness is associated with more satisfying romantic relationships as well as stronger friendships.     * Happier people make more money and are more productive at work. 

* Happier people are more generous.

Stress, anxiety, and anger can weaken our immune system, making us more vulnerable to illnesses. Happiness can also have a positive impact on our heart health. Studies have found that those who are happier have lower blood pressure and heart rates, decreasing the chance of developing coronary heart disease.

 Typically, happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. While happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.

 It can enhance your productivity: You produce more when put in a positive mood. It can promote better health behaviors: Happier people engage in more exercise. It can lead to better immune functioning: Happier people are more resistant to colds and even experience faster-wound healing.

 Cultivating positive emotions, developing strong relationships, finding meaning and purpose, practicing self-care, practicing gratitude, and embracing challenges and growth are all strategies that can help us to achieve greater happiness in our lives. Be happy. Be energetic

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