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Monday, 15 January 2024





Pongal is a term that applies to both the festival and a rice item prepared used rice, moong dal, ghee, pepper and cumin.  You can read about the procedure here

In Tamil language the word “PONGAL “denotes over flow, surplus abundant etc. ON the harvest festival Pongal when the Pongal is prepared in a mud pot during which the chance of water over flowing is high, when it happens, the people in the house in chorus chant “PONGAL O ! PONGAL. Praying for surplus, if not at least sufficient availability of all the necessities of human lives (food, clothing and shelter) where as it never recommends for comforts or luxuries there by insisting or teaching to expect and follow a simple living or a minimalist lifestyle.

This culture somewhat not paved way to being hunger of everything in excess or more may be because EXCESS OF EVERYTHING IS POISIONOUS. This culture of sticking to basic need helped them (those in olden days) to be happy in or with what they have.

They appreciated and enjoyed small things in life, lived closed to nature and practised to SIMPLE LIVING AND HIGH THINKING which essentially involved them in helping others and sharing their thing with others.

This sort of message is what our HARVEST FESTIVAL PONGAL brings to us.

More to the word PONGAL is associated with sweet Pongal (chakkara pongal), one who is dull &slow is often called as PONGAl. Tollywood had many films to credit that deals with this Pongal festival and it is a sentiment to many to release their film as PONGAL RELEASE. As a sort of grand success.

Then comes kannum Pongal, mattu Pongal the next two days of the festival. Cattles are taken good care of and all things done for their best.  Visiting or Gathering in public places is a traditional norm followed by many in villages and in cities. People exchange pleasantries and children enjoy to the fullest with new dresses, toys, balloons, sweets and snacks and it is almost a big day for them.

PONGA PANNAI is the mud pot that is specially brought for the festival in which the Pongal is prepared using a fire wood.  Throughout Tamil Nadu there are many places where mud pot is traditionally prepared and it is done by the families whose earlier generation has practised the craft.  It is a long process which demands lot of care and dedication to bring out a fit final product.

Then vegetables especially root and green vegetables are surplus used in this festival. Curry, sambhar, chips and numerous mouth-watering dishes are prepared particularly for this festive occasion. Sweet potato, raw banana, colocassia, yam, broad beans, pumpkins both white and yellow along with rhizomes & sugar cane are a must buy and every family includes these in their own style.

Whatever is prepared on this day, it is exclusively offered to SUN GOD – TODAY’S MAIN DEITY.  Many has a ritual of chanting ADITHYA HRUDAYAM STOTRAM while offering the cooked food to the Lord.

After this, the food is consumed by the entire family all setting together and the food is served one by one in a plantain leaf.

One more feature of PONGAL is traditional dresses- dhoties, sarees and lehengas (pavadai) all wearing these and roaming around is a sight of visual worth. This creates an opportunity for the weavers to sell their products and develop their business.

Festivals are the medium to promote and exchange once goods or products which there by aids in the growth of one’s financial status.  Usually Sandhai - a local fair- is to provide the fresh fruits and vegetables at the lesser price than that of retail price to consumers.   In these festive days everything that is linked to the festival is sold here and the issue of loss or unsold stock doesn’t exist.

Like these there are innumerous benefits for the individuals and society at large with these customs of celebrating festivals and rituals associated with it.

Feel and have pride in celebrating festivals.

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