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Monday 11 December 2023








 It is well known that Religion is a range of socio – cultural systems, including designated behaviors and practices, morals, belief, world views, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations that generally relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental, and spiritual elements.

 THE RELIGION OF WONDER - Narendra Murty’s book is like a beacon that is meant to inspire, guide and light like a cadence for the readers on the subject of Religion by proliferating various dimensions on human existence and of religion as a part of the support system.

The book is slim, but a heavy magnet that will surely engross the readers to utmost level where in no space for boredom.  The title of the book may delineate towards a serious discussion or a dry dominant subject, but the contents in it are quiet interesting and the quest to acquire immense knowledge continues throughout the book. Within 86 pages the author has submitted a huge bowl of information to the readers in four major chapters.  

 “Wonder “has historically been seen as an important aspect of human nature, specifically being linked with curiosity and the drive behind intellectual exploration. Here the author has explored the wonder behind the religion and the existence of God. He has collected vast information from numerous records and other ancient texts to quote and support his point of view. One such work which the author looks up to is SAVITRI BY AUROBINDO. It is a spiritual epic of 23, 813 lines.  The major theme in all epics of the great writers is “man and man’s purpose in the world.” This may be accepted if a progressive evolution of man and of his purpose also is admitted.

 Narendra Murty worked as a Divisional Manager in the Life Insurance Industry .However, the deep driving passion of his life has been the study of various religions and philosophies - both Eastern and Western to which he devoted more than three decades of his Life. Including this he has published three books and the fourth one is getting ready.

 Generally religious symbolism permeates across all literary genres. It has become an important factor in providing meaning and depth in various written texts. The book covers the divine symbolism in literature that spans both time and era and its timeless significance in giving substance to the art of writing.

 Religion in Literature is the study of interrelationships between religious or theological traditions and literary traditions, both oral and written, with special attention to religious or theological under pinning’s of, influences upon, and reflection in, individual ‘’texts’ or author’s oeuvres.  This book is successful in exploring and bringing out the multitude of writers and their works on religion in literature.

 This book THE RELIGION OF WONDER makes a good read for all those curious minds. Curiosity is having a strong desire to learn or know something. Folks who are curious often don't "need" the information they inquire about. They seek answers to their questions for the sake of gaining knowledge. Those who are curious may also actively seek out challenges and new experiences to broaden their horizons. This makes their mind active instead of passive. Curious people always ask questions and search for answers. Their minds are always active. Since the mind is like a muscle which becomes stronger through continual exercise, the mental exercise caused by curiosity makes your mind stronger and stronger.

Do grab a copy of this book and after reading it you will know how curious is the author and you too will become soon.

(Received a copy of the book from the author in return of an honest review)

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