Friday 12 May 2023



War, crime, poverty, global warming, healthcare, effects of media, and more. These are  some of the biggest challenges the world is facing  today and what led to these social problems. What effects do they have on our lives and societies? 
These are global issues and it needs to be addressed to find a way to solve these problems. According to the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, global issues are those that potentially affect everyone on earth, not just large groups of people. Similarly, solutions to global issues require all people to cooperate in order to meaningfully change the status quo.
Leo Tolstoy 's War and Peace shows us that no matter how deeply we hurt, and how bleak the future may appear, there is always a way back to life through love, if only we will allow ourselves to experience it.
I will be reading out this classic to everyone when I get a chance to address the world under the subject "PEACE EDUCATION THROUGH LITERATURE.
As this subject covers nonviolence, conflict resolution techniques, democracy, disarmament, gender equality, human rights, environmental responsibility, history, communication skills, coexistence, and international understanding and tolerance of diversity.
Like the one called - "The May Peace Prevail On Earth movement" -  a grassroots global movement to inspire, and re-awaken the inherent consciousness of love, peace and harmony which exists in everyone of us. It is a movement to bring inner peace of mind and to foster peace in the world at large.

(This blogpost is a part of IndiBlogger's Indispire  prompt : 

Imagine you're given an opportunity to address the world. A unique, once-in-life chance. What will you tell the world?)


  1. Good piece. We need to reflect on such vital matters more seriously.



   Decision-making requires an individual to "take a view" and that depends on the ability to combine parts or elements to form a ...