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Thursday, 1 December 2022



"Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us." - Oscar Wilde

"Our memories are the only paradise from which we can never be expelled." - Jean Paul Richter

"Everyman's memory is his private literature." - Aldous Huxley

Like these, Memories are remembered fondly and they always have a special place in our hearts. The year 2022 was wonderful after having boosters of covid shield vaccine. It some what relieved us of the fear of getting effected with Covid 19 though we all wear masks till today as and when we step out of our  homes.  With this situation , obviously travel plans were executed up to some extent, Attended marriages and arranged few get togethers at home during festive season.

Shopping was also done with regular excitement and been to restaurants for lunches and dinners as usual to treat the taste buds with exotic cuisines. All in All it was a good year in respect of my personal front.  As a blogger and in response to Blog chatter's blog hop prompt, here are the 11 selected memories of 2022 considering my professional side.

1. Being part of the Story telling session  organised by Pratham books was an fascinating opportunity to interact with children about the stories we read and listen to.

2.  Took an active part and sent greetings to my favourite Author RUSKIN BOND  on his birthday through the Newsletter curated by the Fans of Ruskin Bond -FORB

3. Submitted an article for the Open page in THE HINDU and it got published.

4. Joined the stream of online community - (SCROLL) and started to post once in a week. An interview of mine was published too in their site.

5. Reached to the bloggers duo with - BLOGABERRYDAZZLE and was enjoying reading the posts of other Dazzlers.

6.  Published an e-book with due credits to the team of the finest blogging  community - BLOGCHATTER .

7.  Did a poetry reading in a FB LIVE  program - SPOKEN WORD WITH BLOGCHATTER  organised by the BLOGCHATTER

8.  One of my write up was selected for GUEST POST in BlogChatter 

9. Won 6 badges in varied programs conducted by BlogChatter  

10. After thoroughly participating in many  BLOGHOP's, I was able to finally win  last week.

11. Reading, writing and in the company of blog lovers , up to now I was able to earn 12, 130/- reward points in the year 2022 exclusively from BLOGCHATTER.

More such things happened and it all supported, encouraged, inspired to work little extra than the usual timings. Experience with Twitter, unsplash, e- books, hashtags, headliner, profile pic, blog logo were able to guide me step by step in the process of learning.

"The more often you share what you've learned, the stronger the information will become in your memory." - Steve Brunkhorst

Let's share to improve our memory and add a touch to others memories.

(This blogpost is a part of Blog Chatter's Blog Hop Prompt : 11 MEMORIES OF 2022)



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