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Monday, 19 September 2022


 Cow, dog, goat, buffalo and cat are the ones that roam  freely in the streets of our country. Many are stray animals and few may be someone's pet. A traffic stopper, music lover  and a socialising kind goes missing unfortunately one day. 

What happens next ? , where does the owner of the pet goes for help? , Who is Jincy?, how the pet is found finally and the reunion with her owner takes place ? is all that is narrated in an out standing way in the book BEAUTY IS MISSING written  and illustrated by Priya Kuriyan. This book is meant for children in the age  group of 8-12 years. This is published by Pratham books and can be bought here : . The book is available in all regional languages of India.

Priya Kurian is a children's book writer, illustrator, comics maker and animator. A graduate of NID, she has directed educational films for the SESAME STREET SHOW (India) and the children's film society of India. She dabbles with various visual styles and fills her sketchbooks with strange caricatures of people from places she travels to.

BEAUTY IS MISSING  is one of her fine creations.  The book provides stunning details about the buffaloes. I quote " Buffaloes are highly intelligent animals who love socializing with others of their kind. They 're often found wallowing in the mud or taking dust baths in order  to protect their sensitive skin  from sunburn and insects that bite. They enjoy grazing and being outdoors. Research shows that buffaloes also like listening to slow music. It helps alleviate stress and relaxes them."

The book supplies a new perspective towards an animal which we all see in our dat to day life, but never thought of it as a beauty. After reading this book not only children but all the adults are sure to remember beauty as when they see a buffalo.

Do pick  a copy of the book and help your children read it and know more beauty's choice and interests. 

 'This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla and sponsored by BakezbyDaizy.' 


  1. This is such an interesting book for children. It's engaging and makes the reader really want to find who is missing. -MommyWithAGoal

  2. Who could have thought someone could write an entire book with a buffalo as the protagonist...😊 I am sure it's an interesting read Anuradha... thanks for the recommendation.

  3. I have a special attraction towards kids book and the reason is the innocence I always find reading such books soothes me completely. This book sounds really interesting to me and I am going to read it. Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. A book on a missing Buffalo sure sounds interesting. I think this is a good way to teach children empathy and understand their responsibility towards other species.

  5. This sounds like a interesting take. Like to give it a read and see how they have weaved the story.

  6. A book on missing buffalo is something unique. This is unbelievable, how she thought about this. I will definitely go to buy this for myself, even though I am eager to read this.
    - Anjali

  7. What a title! Beauty is missing! It is very intriguing and raises my curiosity. I am going to get my hands on the book. Thanks for sharing the review.

  8. This seems to be a delightful read which I am sure kids would enjoy. Kids love such books. Thanks for sharing about it.

  9. Missing buffalo seems interesting for kids. I do like to read kids books. Thank you for the recommendation.

    1. It is a good choice to read kids books every now and then.

  10. A book on buffaloes sounds like a fun one for children. They connect better with animals they see around. Thanks for sharing about it.

  11. Seems like an interesting book for kids. Specially it will teach them to empathize with animals. Will recommend it to my friends. Great review!

  12. This sounds like a laugh riot for kids and iam sure very enjoyable. And i have always heard the term 'thick skinned buffalo'. Did not know they had sensitive skin. That is a revelation!

  13. This looks like a great read for kids. Thanks for sharing the review. Definitely getting it for my ones.

  14. It makes so happy to see the diversity in children's literature in India now. Builds awareness of their surroundings plus an interesting premise will hook them to reading too

  15. I went for a reading of this book and met Priya! It was lovely. My son loved his 'author signed' book of Beauty!

  16. I liked how you have reviewed this one. And it looks good for kids too.

  17. This book seems to have all the elements kids love to read about. My daughter is turning 7 and I think I should get her this one.

  18. Hahahaha, what an intriguing cover!!! And the book sounds amazing too.

  19. Seems like an interesting book.
    Noor Anand Chawla



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