top Indian blogs

Friday, 17 September 2021



"GOOGLE GUYS" is  a book by Richard L. Brandt. He is an award winning journalist and an author from San Francisco, U.S. He specialises in writing about the silicon valley. He is also the author of the blog, Entrepreneurial Watch and the book, Capital Instincts.

The first chapter in the book GOOGLE GUYS is "INTRODUCTION: THE WORLD"S LIBRARIANS", five key point from that:

1. The book gives an insight  into the extraordinary story of Google, the search engine that revolutionised the internet and changed the dynamics of accessing information. This chapter introduces the readers to the minds behind the enterprise that changed the way of the world. It was the unlikely partnership of Larry page and Sergey Brin that has created a quiet revolution, altered perceptions and transformed the manner in which the new generation views life.

2. It is indeed apt that Brandt refers to the Google founders as the "World's head librarians" as they provide the best possible information to people, instantaneously. Their services seem to be tailored to our needs as they fulfill our most ardent requirements.

3. Brandt traces the unprecedented and steady growth of Google which remained steadfast even when other internet companies, were on  a downward spiral. Google has emerged as  a business leader whose steady growth has had a great impact on other industries as well.

4. Larry and Sergey are astute businessmen who are also idealists at heart with  a desire to make the world a better place. They have devised various new business tactics most suited for the "Internet Age", which proved to be extremely successful. Their unique model of online advertising which focuses on small advertisers rather than big ones is a fitting example.

5.Brandt attributes the success of Google to its shy and introverted founders whose unconventional thinking and new ideas have taken them to pinnacle of achievement. Brandt rightly says that, "Larry and Sergey are Google."

I'M taking by blog to next level with BlogChatter's #Myfriend Alexa2021. Please hyper link:

(This blogpost is part of #My friend Alexa2021 by Blog chatter,  #Anusowmyanwrites)


  1. Google has become such an important part in our lives. But never ever thought of the people behind it. Interesting info. I need to read this.

  2. Wow seems like a nice and interesting read about GOOGLE!

  3. Google is our 'karta dharta' for everything now. This seems like a great read to know more about our saviour ;)



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