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Thursday 17 October 2024



Valmiki Jayanti is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Maharishi Valmiki, the author of the Ramayana. The festival is celebrated on the full moon day of the Ashwin month in the Hindu lunar calendar. This year Valmiki Jayanti is on Thursday, October 17- today.

Valmiki Jayanti holds a great religious significance and this day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maharishi Valmiki Ji. He was the one who wrote Hindu epic Ramayana. As per Scriptures, it is believed that he was an ardent devotee of Shri Ram.

Valmiki was the composer of the first Sanskrit poem (the Adikavya) known the world over as the epic Ramayana (Story of Lord Rama), hence he is called the Adikavi or First Poet - the Poet of Poets of India. He was born along the banks of the Ganges in ancient India to a sage by the name of Prachetasa.

 Valmiki Jayanti, also known as Pargat Diwas (Pargat means birth), is celebrated to pay tribute to the great sage and his teachings of social justice and values. The exact date and time of Valmiki's birth are not known, but it is believed that he lived around 500 BC.

Valmiki Jayanti commemorates Maharishi Valmiki's birth anniversary and holds deep spiritual significance for followers across India. Celebrations include Shobha Yatras—processions with Valmiki's idol accompanied by devotional songs and shlokas. Many devotees can also be heard reciting the Ramayana in his honor. KAvi sammellan is being organised where poets recite poems in praise of Adhikavi.

In Chennai, Sanskrit lovers and His devotees:

 visit temple dedicated to Valmiki, such as the famous temple in Thiruvanmiyur.

The most famous temple dedicated to Valmiki is situated in Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai. As per the legends, this 1300-year-old temple was created where Valmiki slept after composing 24,000 shlokas and 7 cantos of the Ramayana.

 Pray in Valmiki temples, which are decorated with flowers and lights 
 Devotees offer free food at Valmiki temples 

Thus, Valmiki is celebrated for his contribution to the benefit of mankind.

वाल्मीकेर्मुनिसिंहस्य कवितावनचारिणः ।

शृण्वन् रामकथानादं को न याति परां गतिम् ॥

Who in this world will not attain salvation, who happens to hear the story of Rama, Composed by the lion among poets Valmiki, who always lived in the forest.

Wednesday 16 October 2024



     `The Divya kshetram TIRUVEGKA is located in the temple town of Kanchipuram in Tamil Nādu closer to Varadaraja Perumal Temple.

The presiding deity is Yatotkaari Perumal, also known as Sonnavannam Seida Perumal in a reclining posture.  (It is a unique posture, of the head to the devotees' right unlike in other kshetrams.) The Goddess is Komalavalli Thayar and Saraswathi is also seen in the sanctum. The sacred water is Poikai Pushkarini and the sanctum sanctorum is Veda Saara Vimanam.

According to the sthala purana the Devas surrendered to the Lord when Vegavathi (Saraswathi river) was forced by Asuras to flood and destroy the yagna of Brahma. Responding to their prayers the Lord lay in the way forming a dam and helped Brahma to complete the yagna. Hence this place gained the name Vegavathi anai, which in due course changed to vegka.

Legend has it that Poikai Azhwar was discovered on a lotus flower in the Poikai Pushkarini. It is also believed that Kanikannan, a disciple of Tirumazhisai Azhwar was banished from the kingdom by the then-ruler of the place. When Tirumazhisai azhwar also accompanied his disciple the Lord joined them. Later when the King revoked the order, at the request of Tirumazhisai Azhwar the Lord returned to HIs original shrine.

Hence the Lord is called Sonnavannam seidha perumal as He acted as per the request of the Azhwar.

Tuesday 15 October 2024



Yes, pumpkins and October are best friends, as pumpkins are a symbol of fall and are in season during October.

“Pumpkins, in October, as fat as the full moon, they sit on our doorstep at night and glow.”

Our obsession with pumpkins dates back ages so this symbol of autumn is here to stay. With a number of holidays coming up fast, now is the perfect time to share and create some great pumpkin memories with your loved ones.

Pumpkin in Hindi is Kaddu or Kaddoo. It is a variety of winter squash, only bigger and yellower in color. It grows throughout India, doesn't require unique soil conditions, and may be used as a climber or creeper.

The word “pumpkin” originates from “peopon,” which means “large melon” in Greek. It then evolved to “pompon” in French and “pumpion” in Britain. The Americans later changed it to “pumpkin,” the name we still use today.

Pumpkin was not native to India. The first appearance of a pumpkin was noted during the 7,000 – 5,500 BC. With the European colonization, the vegetable was spread across the commonwealth. Despite this fact, historical evidence dates the first appearance of the pumpkin 5,000 years ago.

Every part of the versatile pumpkin was used for the survival of our earliest ancestors. The rind, flesh, seeds, and flowers were all consumed or used in some way.

Pumpkins are typically grown in India during the warmer months. The growing season for pumpkins can vary depending on the region and local climate conditions. In general, Pumpkins are grown during the summer (February-April) monsoon (June-August), And Early Winter (September to October).

Its nutrients and antioxidants may boost your immune system, protect your eyesight, lower your risk of certain cancers, and promote heart and skin health. Pumpkin is very versatile and easy to add to your diet in both sweet and savory dishes. Try incorporating pumpkin into your diet today to reap its health benefits.

While India doesn't have an officially declared national vegetable, pumpkin holds significant culinary and cultural importance throughout the country. Indian pumpkin cooks quickly and goes well with a variety of flavors. It is a staple ingredient for many different recipes due to its versatility in the kitchen.

The easiest way to eat pumpkin is to season it with salt and pepper and roast it in the oven. Many people also enjoy making it into pumpkin soup, especially during winter into soup or baked into pies. Its seeds are also edible and highly nutritious. Pumpkins and other squashes are best in autumn.

Like these, Pumpkins have many specialties, including their health benefits, their use in fall decorations, and their use in cooking.

What do you say? Do share it in the comments

Monday 14 October 2024




An apple a day keeps you away from the doctor.

The apple is a wonder fruit, which is well known from the days of Adam and Eve.

Due to the presence of the antioxidant quercetin, apples have been proven to reduce lung decline and lung damage caused by smoking. Those who eat five or more apples per week also have a reduced risk of developing COPD.

I’m bringing it here because October is celebrated as National Healthy Lung Month. It is a time to increase awareness and education around the topic of having good lung health. And also to spread awareness about lung-related diseases.

Healthy Lung Month was founded to educate the public about protecting our lungs against general neglect, bronchitis, mold, air pollution, and smoking.

 Lungs are self-cleaning organs that will begin to heal themselves once they are no longer exposed to pollutants. The best way to ensure your lungs are healthy is by avoiding harmful toxins like cigarette smoke, vaping and air pollution, as well as getting regular exercise and eating well.

 The first and foremost thing to do for a stronger lung is to exercise regularly: when you're physically active, your heart and lungs work harder to get additional oxygen to your muscles. Regular exercise doesn't only make your lungs stronger, but it makes your heart stronger too.

 Consuming a diet high in nutritious foods and beverages is a smart way to support and protect lung health. Coffee, dark leafy greens, fatty fish, peppers, tomatoes, olive oil, oysters, blueberries, and pumpkins are just some examples of foods and drinks that have been shown to benefit lung function.

 Research suggests drinking milk and eating cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products can lower your chances of dying from lung cancer. Unless you're allergic to it, dairy is tied to anti-inflammatory properties.

 Moreover If practiced regularly, breathing exercises can help rid the lungs of accumulated stale air, increase oxygen levels, and get the diaphragm to return to its job of helping you breathe.

 It's always good to breathe fresh air and at the same time, it is necessary to Improve indoor air quality. For this, the need to reduce indoor pollutants is a must.

Here are simple steps: 

Making your home smoke-free 

Dusting and vacuuming regularly 

Opening windows frequently 

Using an aromatherapy diffuser instead of synthetic air fresheners and candles 

Using natural cleaning products 

Ensuring adequate ventilation 


With these steps, the chances of damage to the lungs due to pollution will be less.

Don’t worry, Lungs are a remarkable organ system that, in some instances, have the ability to repair themselves over time.  To support them taking certain dietary supplements, including, vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, omega-3s, zinc, and selenium will work.

Help your lungs breathe easily with quality air. 

(This blog post is a part of Blogaberry's monthly challenge for the prompt: HEALTH. More details here:the

Sunday 13 October 2024







These lines mean a lot to my family, as many of the elder members of the family say these lines, remembering my great-grandfather.

They fondly remember his words and understanding of the financial requirements of the family. The definite need for savings and leading a debt-free life are the two principles he followed among other things in leading a disciplined life.  

So we all are made to be a little aware from our childhood days about terms like money, savings, interest, passbooks, entries, kiddy banks, accounts, FDs, etc.

Saving means not spending a portion of your income, in other words putting some money aside. Your money is therefore safe and available for use at any time.

Saving money is a cornerstone of financial well-being, providing stability, security, and opportunities for long-term growth. Whether saving for emergencies, future expenses, or retirement, cultivating a habit of saving is essential for achieving financial independence and realizing your goals.

Here are the tips to help you learn to save money through budgeting, and investing for a better financial future.

Budgeting is putting together a budget, which is an estimate of your revenue and expected expenses for a given period. Savings refers to the money left over after your expenses are subtracted from your revenue, also within a specific period.

Yes, you all know this very well.

First and foremost –prepare a budget – for an individual or for a family. Know the exact monthly income and prepare a budget.

Know your needs clearly. Try to keep always the expenses under the income.

Sort out or categorize expenses with necessary, emergency, and extra or luxurious.

Keep some in the emergency fund

Invest at least in a recurring deposit monthly if not any other big investment in stocks or mutual funds.

Maintain a diary or an Excel sheet of the expenses every month and tally it on the last day of the month with the income.

Think before you spend

Minimise using cabs, laundry, ironing, phone bills, and too much entertainment.

Prioritise EMI or any other debts over investments. Interest in EMI is greater than the returns on investments many a time. Calculate before taking a step.

Small purchases choose to pay the full amount rather than in EMI because the total EMI in a month will increase, adding pressure to meet the monthly expenses.

Buy certain things online during shopping festivals at the best rates. You save money.

Always remember though, that you cannot earn more money- saving is earning.

Here is a gist of what financial experts say regarding budgeting:

 On a lighter note, here are two books I recommend for you to go through to gain a strong knowledge in handling your money :


2. Tightwads and Spendthrifts by Scott Rick

Saturday 12 October 2024





Watching classics on television is a joy that can’t be easy to put into words. That too a movie with the favourite star cast and in the original language is a double treat.

Last week on ETV, Nartanasala a Telugu movie was telecasted. It is a movie with a plot from Virata Parva of the epic MAHABHARATA.

During the AJNATAVASAM, the Pancha Pandavas disguise themselves and stay in the kingdom of Matsya Raja.

At one point in the movie, Brihannala ( Arjuna) and Uttara Kumara converse with one another on the battlefield.

Brihannala opens up that their AJNATAVASAM, ends by tonight and He will get back his original form from tomorrow - the day is - VIJAYADASAMI

Arjuna will be relieved of his curse and get all his powers. The message He leaves there is immense.

The day we can start to get into action to realise our original power and strength.

Start to keep off procrastination.

Get rid of bad habits with great determination by bringing in the required changes in our routines.

Plan to overcome the fear that is causing hindrance to our success.

Vijayadashmi is not just about winning good over evil, but also patience over anger, happiness over sadness, work over laziness, and positive over negative thoughts, etc.

It is a day to bring out our best and win over ourselves to turn stronger, healthier, and happier.


Friday 11 October 2024




Ash gourd/ white pumpkin, lemon, camphor, flowers, and fruits, are all in high demand and the rates are skyrocketing.

Today Ayudha Pooja is being celebrated.

It's again a Thanksgiving festival- to everything that comes with us to make our day perfect and fine.

All the household items-  electrical and electronic appliances, vehicles we use to commute, the books that help us gain knowledge to sustain our lives, musical instruments that entertain us, gadgets that aid in our professional tasks, every object that lives with us in our house and beyond are dusted, cleaned, decorated and offered a ceremonial thanks.

The essence of Ayudha Pooja is simple yet powerful — a day of thanksgiving for the tools and instruments that empower people in their work.

Role of ash gourd in Ayudha Pooja:

Ash gourd is a key part of Ayudha Puja, a Hindu festival where people worship tools used for success and prosperity

 Since the Goddess is an embodiment of Shakti, sacrifice was a part of it. There was a time it used to be the animal sacrifice. But over time, ash gourd replaced the fauna life as a symbolic sacrifice.

 Ash gourd is used as a substitute for animal sacrifice in rituals. Its shape resembles an animal torso, and it's often pierced with sticks to represent legs and a tail. Vermilion is sprinkled on the exposed flesh to mimic blood. 

 After the puja, it's customary to break the ash gourd outside the house. This symbolizes the animal sacrifice offered during new beginnings and is believed to ward off the evil eye.

Ayudha Puja is the day we celebrate to express gratitude to all the instruments that add value to our lives. It takes into consideration small things like knives, scissors, spanners, etc as well as bigger devices such as computers, machinery, books, and vehicles.

Thus Ayudha Pooja is a Hindu festival celebrated with grandeur and is observed as a public holiday in most regions of India. On this day, devotees worship the tools and instruments that help them in life.


Thursday 10 October 2024




Wearing a specific colour during Navratri is considered auspicious, as each day has a distinct link and significant spiritual meaning. The first colour of Navratri is chosen according to the weekday on which the festival starts and the remaining eight days are coloured according to a predetermined cycle.

Each of the nine colours of Navratri symbolizes a distinct quality of the Devi. During Navratri, devotees wear clothing and accessories in nine different colors to represent the nine forms of Goddess Durga, each associated with a specific day:

1. The first day – yellow -happiness and vitality. Yellow symbolizes positivity and brightness and marks happiness by portraying a cheerful festival scenario with the color.

2. on the second day – Green - prosperity and harmony. Green is a color that shows nature, fertility, and prosperity.

3. on the third day- Grey - resilience and strength. Grey is a powerful colour for it symbolizes neutrality and balance.

4.  on the fourth day- orange - zeal and passion. Orange is the hue of the spirit of this festival's energetic and vibrant.

5. The fifth day –white - purity and serenity. White symbolizes peace and purity.

6. on the sixth day- Red - bravery and power. Red is bold and represents love and strength.

7. The seventh day –Blue - wisdom and knowledge. Blue denotes calmness, understanding, and depth.

8. The eighth day –Pink- love and compassion. Pink is a soothing hue that depicts love and warmth.

 9. The ninth day – purple - spirituality, and change.

 The final day requires a strong attire for the last hump. Purple is an incredibly powerful hue for creativity and spirituality, so you're in good hands.

These colours reflect the mood and attributes of the goddess, enhancing the festive spirit and joy of the occasion. Many devotees wear clothing or accessories in these colours to honor the goddess and seek her blessings.

Simply, many elderly Adorned in white attire, perform rigorous fasts, worship, and pujas, seeking the goddess's blessings for family well-being and protection.


Wednesday 9 October 2024




During Navratri, chanting slokas is believed to bring protection, success, spiritual upliftment, and fulfillment of wishes. The slokas invoke Durga's blessings for prosperity, strength, and protection.

 Here are some slokas to recite during Navratri: 

1.     Devi Kavacham: A 47-sloka chant that acts as armour to nullify negative vibes. It mentions different names of the Devi associated with different parts of the body. 

2.     Maa Durga Sarva Badha Mukti Mantra: This mantra is believed to grant wishes for children and relieve barriers. 

3.     Duswapna Niwarana Mantra: Chanting this mantra regularly is believed to provide strength and courage. 

4.     Om Jayanti Mangala Kaali Bhadra Kaali Kapalini Durga Kshama Shivadhatri Swaha Swadha Namostute: This is considered a powerful mantra of Goddess Durga. 

5.     Sarvamangal Maangalye Shive Sarvaartha Saadhiike. Sharanye Tryambake Gauri Narayani Namostute: This is a regular mantra for the nine days of Navratri. 

6.     Rogaan Sheshaan Pahansi Tushta, Rushta Tu Kaamaan Saklaan Bhisthan: This is a powerful mantra of Goddess Durga. 

7.     Dehi Saubhagyam Aarogyam De Me Parama Sukham, Roopam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dwisho Jehi: This is a powerful mantra of Goddess Durga. 

 Reciting these slokas during Navratri can have many benefits:

 Chanting slokas can help you connect with a higher power, experience inner peace, and feel a stronger bond with the divine feminine energy. 

Chanting can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration, and cleanse the mind of negative energies. 

Chanting can bring physical benefits. Chanting with pure intentions and faith can help manifest desires and seek blessings. 

Chanting can help improve memory and concentration, and develop cognitive skills. Chanting can help instill values and virtues, and develop a sense of respect for others. Chanting can help develop emotional stability and cope with stress and anxiety. 

 Do chant slokas and be bestowed with the divine blessings of the goddess 

Tuesday 8 October 2024





Navratri is a nine-day festival celebrating the feminine power- the Shakthi.

In some parts of India, Maa Durga is worshipped in different forms, whereas others worship Goddess Parvathi and the rest devote nine days to the nine avatars of Goddess Maha Lakshmi. Here are the nine forms of Goddess Lakshmi worshipped during Navratri:

Adi Lakshmi: Lakshmi's original form. Adi-Lakshmi which means protector or source is considered the origin of all existence. Adi lakshmi who is also known as Maha Lakshmi (primeval Lakshmi or great Lakshmi) is the incarnation of Lakshmi the daughter of the Sage Bhrigu. And as adi means “first,” Adi Lakshmi is said to be her primordial form, through which she helps a person attain life's foremost aim — freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth. She is thus known also as Moksha Pradayani, or “one who bestows liberation.”

 Dhana Lakshmi: The giver of wealth, Dhana Lakshmi, also known as Wealth Lakshmi, is a Hindu goddess who represents material wealth, prosperity, and fortune: She is also the aspect of Lakshmi who provides resources to adherents for their sustenance and well-being.  As per Hindu beliefs, worshiping Maa Dhanalakshmi brings financial stability and prosperity in life. Dhanalakshmi stotram is a prayer addressed to worship Maa Dhanalakshmi.

Dhanya Lakshmi: The provider of agricultural bounty. She is known as the Food Goddess and is revered for her assistance to farmers in cultivating abundant crops on their lands. Beloved by farmers, she plays a crucial role in helping them meet their daily needs through her support. She is elegantly depicted standing on a lotus, bestowing blessings in the Abhaya Mudra. Dhanya means “blessed,” and as life would be impossible without food, Dhanya Lakshmi blesses devotees with the great fortune of agricultural wealth. Devotees, in turn, show their gratitude by honoring her before partaking in meals, and by selflessly offering food to others who are in need.

Gaja Lakshmi: The provider of assistance with animal husbandry. Gaja Lakshmi is one of the eight manifestations of Lakshmi, the Hindu deity of wealth, prosperity, and fertility. She is often depicted seated or standing on a lotus base, flanked by two or more elephants who shower her with water.  Gaja Lakshmi is the giver of power of royalty. Gaja Lakshmi is one of the most significant Ashtalakshmi aspects of the Goddess Lakshmi. According to Puranas, Gaja Lakshmi once helped Lord Indra regain his lost wealth from the depths of the ocean.

Santana Lakshmi: The provider of assistance to those who want children. This form of Lakshmi as the name suggests (Santana means offspring), is the Goddess of progeny, the treasure of family life. Worshipping of Santana Lakshmi was bestowed with the wealth of good children possessing good health and a long life. By the grace of Sri Santhana Lakshmi, women give birth to children. "Puthra Santhanam" refers to childbirth and this happens through Sri Santhana Lakshmi. Every mother likes her children and she gives her complete love and it is reflected in each state of the children's growth.

Veera Lakshmi: The provider of courage and valour. Veera Lakshmi, also known as Dhairya Lakshmi, is a form of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi who is a symbol of bravery, strength, and valour. Veera Lakshmi is known for granting the strength and courage to overcome life's difficulties and challenges. She is said to favor those who remain optimistic and determined in all circumstances.  Veera Lakshmi, also known as Dhairya Lakshmi, is a form of Goddess Lakshmi who bestows strength and courage during battles, and for overcoming difficulties in life.

Vidya Lakshmi: The provider of knowledge. Knowledge is a different kind of wealth, and Vidya Lakshmi represents this intellectual prosperity. She is depicted holding scriptures and a gesture of teaching. Statues of Vidya Lakshmi are perfect for students, teachers, and anyone in pursuit of knowledge. She encourages us to value wisdom and learning. Vidya Lakshmi, also known as Wisdom Lakshmi, is the goddess of knowledge and the arts and sciences. She is one of the eight forms of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. 

Vijaya Lakshmi: Also known as Durga. Vijaya Lakshmi or Jaya Lakshmi (Victorious Lakshmi) is also a manifestation similar to Durga. She is the goddess of victory. Victory not only in battles but also in conquering hurdles to achieve success. Vijaya Lakshmi is the form of the goddess Lakshmi who is known to have killed devil forces to prevail in peace, prosperity, and love. She is also known as Goddess Durga. Vijaya Lakshmi, as the name suggests is the goddess to bless with Victory and courage to attain victory in every field of life or any war.

Sowbhagya Lakshmi: Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity.  According to ancient Vedic texts, She is considered the supreme mother goddess who exists everywhere in the world, blesses integrity, ability, goodness, and character, and makes feasible ways to gain better prospects in life.

Maha Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu's consort, visits her devotees and bestows good fortune and her blessings upon them when worshipped during Navratri. To welcome the Goddess, devotees clean their houses, decorate them with finery and lights, and prepare sweet treats and delicacies as offerings.

Do offer your prayers to Maha Lakshmi and seek her blessings.

Monday 7 October 2024




Navratri and Dussehra

These Hindu festivals Navratri often involve giving gifts, especially to young children. It is a time for the community to come together and celebrate the victory of good over evil.

Navratri should not be limited to 'Puja-Paath' and should also include acts of kindness in the form of donations and charity. During the 9 days of Navratri and after that, people should donate food, clothes, money, or other important stuff to the less fortunate.

The concept of giving gifts during Navratri is a tradition that symbolizes love, warmth, and goodwill. It's a way to strengthen bonds with family and friends and to spread happiness and togetherness. 

1. Auspicious things to buy for Navratri:

these include a bindi, perfume, henna, anklets, waistbands, finger rings, maang tikka, sindoor, kajal, bangles, toe rings, a wedding dress, flowers for the hair, earrings, etc.

2. Goddess Lakshmi Idol: Bringing an idol of Goddess Lakshmi during Navratri is considered a blessing. In South India, dolls and figurines are also given as gifts.

Navratri is a Hindu festival that involves giving gifts, especially to young children. The word "Navratri" means "nine nights" in Sanskrit. During Navratri, people observe fasts and offer special prayers to the "Nine Forms of Maa Durga". 

In India, exchanging gifts during festivals, weddings, and special occasions is common. Popular gifts include sweets, clothing, accessories, religious items, and home decor. 

Gifts that connect with tradition and culture, and that delight the recipient should be the norm in selecting gifts.  During Navratri, people exchange gifts to spread joy and positivity.

Here are some things to consider when giving gifts during Navratri: 

3. Kanya Pujan:

A significant ritual occurs on the eighth or ninth day of Navratri. During this ritual, young girls are invited to homes, worshipped, and given gifts. Some gift ideas for Kanya Pujan include brass diyas, Ganesha idol combos, metal lunch boxes, insulated metal bottles, bamboo hand towels, etc.

4. Sweets:

Sweets are a traditional gift for Navratri because the ingredients used to make them are considered pure and safe to offer to Gods. Dry fruits were also taken into consideration to be given as gifts.

5. Handcrafted diyas:

Diyas are a symbol of removing darkness and negativity. Hand-painted earthen diyas with attractive designs are a great gift for Navratri. 

6. Flowers:

A bouquet of colorful flowers is a thoughtful and affordable gift for Navratri. 

7. Cosmetics:

A set of cosmetics like a comb, lipstick, nail polish, and a little mirror is a kind gesture for the kanjak puja. 

8. Gift hampers:

Gifts for Navratri can include clothes, coconut, and sweets. Married women may also exchange small bags with items like turmeric, beetle leaves, comb, and mirror. These days’ gift hampers are shared so that the recipient can buy anything of their choice in the said amount.


9. Toys and games/ stationary:

Toys like teddy bears, dolls, kitchen sets, or doctor's sets can be good options. Games like puzzles, blocks, or Scrabble can also be a good choice, especially for children. Stationery items were also gifted to children to start using on Vijayadashami day


Thus, the excitement surrounding Navratri gifts transcends mere possessions, encompassing the spirit of generosity and celebration that defines this vibrant festival. In conclusion, Navratri gift-giving is a wonderful tradition that fosters love, unity, and joy among friends and family members.


      Valmiki Jayanti is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Maharishi Valmiki, the author of the Ramayana. The festival is cele...