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Friday, 24 January 2025



“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” Robert Frost.

Poetry is literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.

It's whatever speaks to you on an emotional, personal level. Something that challenges your feelings or makes you feel heard. It's a place to feel comforted and look into someone else's life. Poetry lets you be vulnerable and gives you something to relate to.

Unlike prose, poetry asks us to pay attention to language not just sentence by sentence or even word by word but syllable by syllable, sound by sound. The very rhythms and music of poetry demand that we listen, open our senses and become aware of how we take meaning into our bodies.

The key elements distinguishing poetry from other kinds of literature include sound, rhythm, rhyme, and format. The first three of these are apparent when you hear poetry read aloud.

Here is an anthology of poems, EFFLORESCENCE 2024, presented by Chennai Poets’ Circle with 124 poems from poets of all age groups. This anthology proves that Poetry is great at asking questions, destabilizing and making us look at things differently, incorporating a diversity of voices and ways of thinking. That's what poetry is for. So, it's a very powerful medium for diverse voices to speak and for other people to then listen to those voices.

Efflorescence in poetry can refer to a collection of poems or to the act of blossoming or unfolding. The word "efflorescence" comes from the Latin word for "flower". 

Efflorescence will remind us of the poetry collection of   Zoe Spoor, Dawn Marar & Aanchal Arora to name a few.

Moreover, "The efflorescence of language" is a term used by Edgar Allan Poe to describe language that is flowery or overly rich and colorful

"The efflorescence of nature in springtime" is a phrase that describes the blossoming of nature in the spring

"The efflorescence of culture during the Renaissance" is a phrase that describes the blossoming of culture during the Renaissance.

Thus, everywhere efflorescence is a sign of development and that leads to progress. Here it is a "shared progress," which means a compilation of individual experiences highlighting the combined progress of a group or community called poets.

The anthology has a bright colour cover and, a clean style of font in legible size. The poems are arranged in alphabetical order in the name of the poets. The profiles of the poets are given at the end of the book. Each page carries a poem along with the image &name of the poet. “Young Poets Corner’ is the special feature of the anthology.

“Golguppas’, Midnight Thoughts, Cyborg, An Eclipsed Insight, The Dancing Beauties, The Last Read, My Bodhi Tree are the few titles of the poems you will find in the book.  

The poems in this anthology have Strong, accurate, interesting words, are well-placed, and will make the reader feel the writer's emotions and intentions. Choosing the right words—for their meaning, their connotations, their sounds, even the look of them, makes a poem memorable. The words become guides to the feelings that lie between the lines.

Poetry, if we let it and embrace it, can offer us a way to empathize with one another. In its immediacy, poetry is a counselor helping us to understand one another. Leading us away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity.


Do grab a copy of the book and enjoy reading the poems.  

(If you are a poet and would like to join the group or love to buy the book, drop a mail to



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