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Saturday 19 October 2024



Kindness is an abstract concept that describes a way of doing good deeds through having a friendly, considerate, and generous nature. In its most condensed form, is a way of showing love to the people around you.

Kindness helps to make the world a better place. And we don't have to be saints like Mother Teresa. We only need to make a habit of being kind to ourselves and one another, and the rest will fall into place.

It’s better to be kind to yourself first, then towards your family, friends and society at large.

Kindness is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, rendering assistance, or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward in return.

For one if surrounded and encouraged by kindness by younger age it will be an easy and wonderful part of life.

So let us start to introduce kindness to kids right from the start by bringing in icons such as the heart, feather, shepherd's staff, endless knot, and lotus flower represent kindness. Deities including Buddha, Guan Yin, and Lord Krishna are known for their kindness and compassion. Animals like the dove, deer, pelican, and raven are gentle, kind animals.

YES, Kindness, whether it's you being kind to someone, or someone being kind to you, can make you happier and healthier. Even small acts of kindness can change a life and make you feel better.

It's a way of showing other people that we value them, their feelings, and emotions and it has positive effects for the giver, receiver, and beyond. Increased well-being: A 2022 study found that individuals who engage in regular acts of kindness report higher levels of life satisfaction and overall happiness.

Here comes a book CHEEKY KIKI LEARNS TO BE KIND by Kim Burns. It is a book about a girl kiki, her way of life and the way she behaved.

How she behaved? What she did with others? All were told in a poetical form with appropriate illustrations.

 Kindness and Caring Is an Important Life Skill to Make the World a Better Place and To Make You Happy. To bring this life skill an important part of your child’s life :


  Encourage your child to say thank you to anyone who helps them. Notice when they do this and praise them for it. Spend some time making a card with your child to send to a loved one. Talk to your child about what makes them happy or sad.


2   Play with them and introduce situations that make them consider how others feel.


3.  Greater Sense of Belonging and Improved Self Esteem – Even small acts of kindness create feelings of self-worth and belonging. Acts of kindness increase energy and give a wonderful feeling of optimism. Increased Feelings of Gratitude – Children learn to appreciate what they have when helping those less fortunate.


4.     In simple terms being kind is listening, feeling, and understanding others' needs and trying to help meet those needs.


In this book with kindness observe how kiki has become polite, considerate, compassionate, generous, and loved by all.

Kids with kindness make people around them happy through their actions, thoughts, and words. Kind people are admired and appreciated by everyone around them.

Kindness makes challenges easier to cope with and improves wellbeing. The book will help children ages 5 to 14 learn about the power of kindness. It encourages them to do small acts of kindness each day to help their community, family, and themselves.

Kindness is the trait of being selfless, generous, considerate and friendly; qualities that most parents like to foster in their children. And with good reason – acts of kindness impact the levels of certain neurotransmitters in our brains that affect happiness and attachment to others.

BE kind towards your children and inspire them to follow your footsteps.

Acts of kindness can make the world a happier place for everyone. They can boost feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness and optimism. They may also encourage others to repeat the good deeds they've experienced themselves – contributing to a more positive community.

There are many benefits of be kind. Being kind helps boost the immune system, reduce blood pressure and reduce stress and anxiety. The great thing is that it isn't difficult to be kind. As the Dalai Lama said, 'Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible'.

 Just a small act of words of praise- Complimenting others is an easy way to show kindness. It helps others feel seen, releasing a boost of endorphins associated with the reward centers of the brain.

Experts have determined that showing kindness changes the brain, and that selfless acts of giving provide physical and emotional benefits needed for a well-rounded individual. This is why it is essential for children to learn kindness early on.

Here in this book the author has wonderfully crafted the message of kindness to children in a play full way- which is most enjoyed by children.

Kindness has positive benefits – for health, social competence, self-esteem and even happiness. The ability to understand and respect the perspective of someone else is at the root of a child's ability to be kind and compassionate.

Children who are kind are more likely to have positive social interactions, and strong friendships, and strengthen their empathy and compassion. Research has also shown that kindness can have a ripple effect. If a child is kind to another, this can inspire them to do the same, creating a domino effect.

Do buy a copy of the book and gift it to your child.

(Received a copy of the book in the form of  a PDF from Booksirens in return of an honest review)

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   Kindness is an abstract concept that describes a way of doing good deeds through having a friendly, considerate, and generous nature. In ...