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Sunday 28 January 2024



Read an article titled "The anatomy of an applause:" It is an integral part of the audience’s participation, but one should know when to applaud during a music concert and when not to . If you are interested you go through the full article here

Then thought to gather more information on applause and its origin and practice. 
The exact beginning of applause is a little uncertain, but we know it was first documented in the third century B.C., with the works of Roman playwright Plautus ending with the word plaudite, a directive for the audience to applaud or clap.
Another source confirms that It's from ancient Greece when people use to impart their knowledge to large rooms of people. At the end of the speeches people would come up and slap them the person on the back to say thank you, people who couldn't reach the person who was talking would put their hands together.

 Clapping was formalised, in Western culture at least, in the theatre. During the Roman Empire when theatre and politics merged, one of the chief methods politicians used to evaluate their standing with the people was by gauging the greetings they got when they entered the arena.

 It continued upon years and now this is done after an accomplishment or as a welcome. Although we might individually applaud another's accomplishment, we see this most frequently in audiences watching a performance. They may applaud when the entertainer appears and at the end of a performance.

 Generally applause is our traditional form of expressing enjoyment, appreciation, and approval. It is heard - and expected - at theaters, sports events, award ceremonies, and when good news is shared.

 Clapping is known to improve the overall heart health and improve blood pressure. Blood circulation to various organs is also improved by regular clapping.

 Several studies show that clapping practice improves heart health to a huge extent by regulating blood pressure levels. As an individual claps, the palms get warm, boosting blood circulation in the entire body. This reduces the incidence of numerous cardiac anomalies and even wards off breathing troubles.

 Applause and applauding is good in every way, whether for others or for your own self. When you applaud yourself, you remind yourself that you have something great to offer the world, no matter what anyone else believes about you. That, then, becomes the unshakeable foundation for your next big move. You're always becoming, so there will always be something new to celebrate.



  1. Good post. One would never really stop to think about such a taken-for-granted action such as applause. Happy to have gained some more knowledge.

  2. Great post! Applause is such a genuine invention by humans~



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