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Sunday, 5 November 2023



Fingerprints are unique patterns, made by friction ridges (raised) and furrows (recessed), which appear on the pads of the fingers and thumbs. Prints from palms, toes and feet are also unique; however, these are used less often for identification, so this guide focuses on prints from the fingers and thumbs.
Fingerprinting is one form of biometrics, a science which uses people's physical or biological characteristics to identify them. No two people have the same fingerprints, not even identical twins.
Fingerprints are made up of specific patterns, including ridges, valleys, arches, loops, and whorls. For the purposes of proving identity, there are three main methods used: Something you know, like a password. Something you possess, such as a token or keycard.
The fingerprint is an unrepeatable, unique characteristic that belongs solely to an individual, making it a strong line of defence against security breaches. Fingerprints, unlike passwords or PINs, cannot be readily copied or guessed, making fingerprint scanners a security firewall.
Although every fingerprint is different, they're all variations on three broad categories: the arch, which looks a bit like a cross-section of a hill; the loop, which is teardrop-shaped; and the whorl, which is reminiscent of a whirlpool.
The whorls, arches and loops that make fingerprints unique are produced during fetal development by waves of tiny ridges that form on the fingertip, spread and then collide with each other — similar to the process that gives a zebra its stripes, or a cheetah its spots.
Finally the scientific name of  the finger print is Dermatoglyphics [that is, palm and fingerprint patterns] provide a tool of unique value for human geneticists and physical anthropologists.

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