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Thursday, 8 June 2023


The novel originated in the early 18th century after the Italian word "novella," which was used for stories in the medieval period. Its identity has evolved and it is now considered to mean a work of prose fiction over 50,000 words. Novels focus on character development more than plot.

 It is assumed that Indian novel in English has its roots in the nineteenth century realistic tradition of English novel. [1] The impact of English education, national awakening and the influence of European models are the chief factors responsible for the rise and development of Indian novel in English.

The Novel Comes to India. During Colonialism, most of the novels were written to glorify the conquest of the Europeans. Eventually, in the twentieth century, some of them did show the darker side of colonial occupation. The novel was not known in India until the 19th century.
During the 19th century, many writers used poetry, tales, novels, drama, and other forms of literature to write about the agonies and atrocities faced by the common man. Such works fostered a sense of patriotism. Moreover, these helped to bridge the divide between social classes to some extent.
The Indian English novel reflects our own society. Culture civilization and difficulties or problems in our society. So that is why we can called novel is the mirror of our society.
The modern novel form developed in India in the 19th century, as Indians became familiar with the Western novel. The development of the vernaculars, print, cheap price compared to handwritten books, a reading public helped novels to be popular.
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (1838–1894) wrote Rajmohan's Wife and published it in 1864, making it the first Indian novel written in English.
For many, Raja Rao is one of the three founding pillars of Indian writing in English, along with R.K. Laxman and Mulk Raj Anand.
The first woman novelist from India to write in English was Krupabai Satthianadhan (1862–1894). Though hailing from Bombay Presidency, it was Madras where she found and flourished the talent for writing.

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