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Saturday, 27 August 2022



Yesterday was INTERNATIONAL DOG DAY. Commemorating this HARPER COLLINS INDIA in the Twitter page, Asked a question (look at the above image) and I replied it too and planned  to elaborate my answer into a blogpost .


 In First place, me and my family are scared of dogs. Obviously not a pet owners too. One once got  a bite from the doggy and that made all of us keep away from DOGS.  But experiences with dogs in our lives are a plenty which I will be sharing here with you all.

Nearly 5 doggy's namely 




Sandy and the last but the best


were a part of our relatives, family and friends. The relationship with these dogs range from childhood days to last three years back. Among these, two dogs are from the childhood days and the other three from later part of our lives. Remembering the time spent with them was interesting as well as educating.

Every body knows that Dogs are faithful animals and more to that they  are also good friends, guards and helpful pets.

*GOOFY - Our first dog friend in school days. He was simply playful and used to attract every body's attention. He became our friend during our play time. He too was  a young one and first pet in our uncle's family . He during his life time made all happy by just being around us.

*TUFFY : This story starts in our village where we found this puppy abandoned on the street. It was during our summer vacation where we along with our cousins stayed there for a month. At that time we found this and requested elders to bring it home. We all looked after him like a baby.  We all made arrangements to make him comfortable and even bought  a feeding bottle to make him have at least milk. After few days He slowly stood up and tried to take baby steps. All was going good, but suddenly one night he was unable to move and we found a doctor to treat him. Unfortunately he didn't survive and left all of us in great grief.

*NIKKI : He was a guard to a visually challenged girl. The girl lost her vision after  a brain fever attack and she can roam around her house comfortably. When she is alone NIKKI -the super hero is her guard. If someone approaches near the main gate, just a touch on the gate makes her bark and bring her there from whenever he may be. he won't allow anyone to enter the house and many times I have seen him seating to the girl's feet.

Nikki was guard to the whole street, movement of people, vehicles at un time will make him bark like anything  and no body dare to enter the street or glow lights at wrong hours in the area. He completed his fully life time and suddenly passed away after a fatal fall.

*SANDY : This fellow came to my uncle's house after many long years of passing away of goofy. He is the master of the house. He make rounds around the house day in and day out. He will welcome the guest, enter the hall along with them and will occupy the sofa first. He will inspect everyone and if he  feels  alright then he will allow them to sit. He was caring, kind and lovable. He too left all of us after 3 years of togetherness.

*JULIE : All were heroes in our family, she is the only heroine. She was a boxer breed. My sister's pet, she was almost her daughter.  No one should say her doggy, address her only JULIE. Her stories are so long enough to write a book. That's why I answered the twitter prompt about my title of the book on dogs will be MY SISITER'S JULIE.

It will be worth writing, both about Julie and the way my sister looked after her. Julie was cared  so well by my sister during her pregnancy and she was blessed with four puppies I think. She never went out- stations without placing  a guardian for Julie . 

Julie brought  a lot of strength in my sister's life and she acted as a big support during her tough times. My sister was emotional attached to her and she will talk with Julie  about all the things. They together go for a walk, play and dance. My sister loved Julie like her kid.

Julie was scared of crackers and so she never allowed family members to fire crackers on Diwali and will keep Julie inside a room to avoid the sounds of crackers fired by others in the locality.

Julie's licking, wagging her tail and  other actions energised her to take up few things lightly and focus towards positivity. Her barking and some different sounds were warning signs. Like this there are many incidences where Julie stood by my sister and helped her to prove her mettle.  Julie was an angle in my sister's life.  But sadly, Julie left her three years back after almost 7 years of bonding with my sister.

So, these were the stories of Doggy's in our lives. Do share about your pet in the comments below.   




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