Friday 8 October 2021



With the title itself you all  might have understood that this is a story that is going to make you take  a step towards a specific target. Sometimes age doesn't matter to attend a cause or make an impact. The wish to do something or a strong will to accomplish a task  itself paves way for its success.

Aubyn's story is one such and it is going to inspire us to extend our helping hands towards the needy in one way or the other. Children are equal to God. His mercy on us is enormous. Like wise Aubyn's idea to help the other children by suppling suitcases was initially in a small circle but after sometime it became an enormous project. I read about this in a book and thought to share it with you all. Let's see what it is and How it has happened?

Leslie Burnside was working for the Department of social services in North Carolina. Her job involved taking children out of dangerous home situations and placing them in foster homes. During her first assignment, Leslie saw that the children she had come to pick up were carrying all of their belongings in garbage bags. They didn't have suitcases or backpack for their clothes. Wanting to help these children, Leslie asked her mother if she could have the family's old suitcases to give to them.

Leslie's 10 -year -old sister Aubyn asked how many foster children there were in the area and found out that there were 300. Most of those children had  to carry their things from place to place in plastic or paper bags. Leslie's concern and the thought of those 300 children inspired young Aubyn to take action.

Aubyn decided to ask people to donate their old suitcases to these foster children. She began making and hanging posters, speaking at churches, and asking other children for help. But after a few weeks, she had not received any donations.

Aubyn decided to give the project a kick- start, and went with her mother to local salvation Army where they bought 31 suitcases. That's how Aubyn Burnside funded her programme, suitcases for kids. 175 suitcases were collected and delivered to the Catawba County Department of social services in North California

Aubyn inspired other kids to help with the cause too.  Many kids joined with her. Picking up and delivering suitcases was hard work, but the boys enjoyed  helping other people. Many elders too learned about suitcases for kids and immediately contacted churches and other organisations for help.

Eventually, Aubyn's humanitarian efforts were noticed by the media. Her story was in newspapers and magazines  and Aubyn appeared on popular television shows. As the story became known, Aubyn's local chapter received more and more suitcases. Soon, Aubyn was travelling to different states to help set up new suitcases for kids chapters.

One day  a 10 year old girl decided that she just wanted to help because of which lot of children benefitted. 

I'M taking my blog to next level with Blog Chatter's #My Friend Alexa2021, Please use hyper link:

(This blog post is a part of blog chatter's #MY friend Alexa2021, #Anusowmyanwrites)


  1. This is such a beautiful, inspiring and warm story. I am so glad i read about it today.

  2. This is such a lovely story of the little one.

  3. This story makes us believe that intent is more important than age , so good to know about the inspiring journey. Hope all children find happy homes.

  4. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes these stories helps to believe that kindness is still their in the world.

  5. Wow. glad i came across this. it was a pleasant read



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