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Monday, 14 January 2019


                                                         Image result for image malli,mullai jaji flowers
 Chennai is a metropolitan city well known for its MARINA Beach and abundantly available flowers, fruits &vegetables. The Markets in Chennai are always filled with many varieties of flowers namely December, kanakambaram, chamanthi, Malli, mullia,  jaji,  nithya malli, kadamdam, rose, derri. The Chennaities are blessed to find such quality flowers almost throughout the year. Every celebration or festival is not complete without flowers. Flowers are sold in loose or tied form ranging from five rupees to thousands basing on the quantity of purchase. They are sold on bi cycle, small shops, malls and markets.

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*December flowers come during the month of December in more than three colours. Pink, orange, blue, white are the usual colours of flower with no strong fragrance.
                                Image result for image malli,mullai jaji flowers
* Malli in Tamil, is a variety of lily normally a bud like, with soft petals and small stem. The flower is white in colour with nice smell.

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* Kanakambaram in Tamil is a flower that belongs to the family of Acanthaceae. The flower is orange in colour with thin stem and petals.

                                    Image result for image of flower chamanthi

*Chamanthi in Tamil or chrysanthemum is a big yellow colour flower with a strong stem and good fragrance.

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*Jaji in Tamil is a flower in together white and pink colour. The fragrance is so attractive that it will make heads turn when one carries it or adorn in her hair. This is most favourite of many Chennaites.

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* Nithya malli in Tamil is such a tiny slim flower, white in colour with beautiful smell and lives fresh for many hours. It will be stunning to see when tied together.

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*Mullai  in Tamil is a small flower with thin, but long stem and white petals. At times it is used as a substitute for Malli.

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*Kadambam is a mixture of three or four varieties of small flowers in green, orange &white colours. It is famous for its fragrance and multi coloured nature.  This flower is highly liked by many Chennaities.

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*Rose or roja in Tamil is a universally well -known flower for its colour and fragrance. Different varieties are available in Chennai in many colours.
*Derri  in Tamil is a flower almost like a rose in orange, blue and white colours. It has a long stem with no strong smell.

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