Thursday 23 September 2021


 In his Great Victorian novel A TALE OF TWO CITIES. Charles Dickens begins his story with these well known lines:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.....; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness;  it was the spring of hope, it was  the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going the other way.

Some might wonder what he was talking about. In fact he was just stating some facts about the way people view time and events differently. Obviously, "time" is always with us and will always play an important part in our lives. No matter how we want to look at "time", it will always be a factor in how we view the world and how the world views us.

The English language is loaded with phrases that express the value of time.  

Time is money

Timing is everything

Just in time

No time

Time is right

Time out

Time and tide wait for no man

On time

Time on my hands

Timing is bad

Timing is good

Time to go



We find references to time everyday and everywhere in our lives. Individuals  have their own concepts of how to view time. Dickens in his great opening lines had it right. We all can view time differently. Sometime it is our friend; sometimes it is not. But glance now at your watch or clock. It is ticking. Time will not stop for any of us. Respect time and make it your friend and you may find that it is "the best of times." Do otherwise and it can be the "Worts of times."

I'M taking my blog to next level with blog chatter's #My friend Alexa2021, please use this hyper link:

(This blogpost is part of #My friend Alexa2021 by Blog Chatter, #Anusowmyanwrites)


  1. Time and tide wait for no man! That is a fact and your post captures the essence of this.

  2. It's so true that time is always ours and doesn't wait for anyone. Just use the present time efficiently.

  3. Time flies by, it doesn't wait. We must make the best use of what we have. Well said

  4. I agree time flies. Love the way you penned the article. Loved reading it

  5. What a timely post.Time is the most precious commodity indeed.Theres no replacement for lost time.

  6. I always tell my kids that time waits for no one. Not sure they understand it now but I'm sure they soon will.

  7. Very true Time teaches us every aspects of life in different way. Interesting post!

    Archana Srivastava



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